Dec 28, 2024
Emergency Medical Care Concentration
Fire Science Technology A.A.S.
Nursing/Allied Health Division
Associate of Applied Science Degree
This concentration gives students a broad education in stress, legal issues, community relations, research, safety, fire protection, and paramedic training. Students who are currently licensed as paramedics will receive 32 hours of
advanced placement credit. Students may work toward their paramedic training while completing the general education and emergency medical services technical core.
Career Opportunities
Private and municipal ambulance services, industrial fire and medical response teams, fire departments which employ combination fire fighters/paramedics, and hospital emergency rooms
Summary of Required Hours
* Completion of CSTCC’s Paramedic Training Program or current state or national paramedic certification/licensure.
*These hours count toward the degree but carry no quality points, do not count in calculation of the grade point average, and may not be used toward satisfaction of the graduation residency requirements for the A.A.S. degree. If the alternate credit is earned at Chattanooga State Community College and/or is part of student’s academic transcript, the equivalent number of hours will be waived.
**Must choose from: , , or .
not acceptable for Nursing/Allied Health programs.
For information on Chattanooga State’s Paramedic Training Program, contact the Division of Nursing and Allied Health. |