Jan 17, 2025  
2016-2017 CATALOG 

General Information

three students with arms around each other


Chattanooga State provides National Junior College Athletic Association (NJCAA) Division I competition in women’s fast-pitch softball, women’s and men’s basketball, and baseball. Chattanooga State’s teams are often nationally ranked, and student athlete scholarships are plentiful. Team members are recruited locally and regionally. Students interested in tryouts are welcome.

(423) 697-3370

Business and Community Development Center

The Business and Community Development Center offers a wide range of services, including personal interest continuing education classes, short-courses, teleconferences, certification classes, and customized skills training delivered on-site to business and industry. It also provides job profiling and analysis, skill assessment, and WorkKeys skill development training for area employers. WorkKeys helps employers match employee skills to those required for satisfactory performance in specific jobs. Once skills gaps are identified, Chattanooga State can deliver training programs to help bridge them.

(423) 697-3100

Career Services and Counseling Center

Confidential career and personal counseling is available to help students define and achieve their goals and succeed in college. 

Career Services include:

  • Career Information Sessions
  • Cooperative Education
  • Resume and Interview Assistance
  • Career Readiness Workshops
  • Career Fairs
  • Career Inventories and Interpretations
  • Individual Career Counseling
  • Job Listings
  • Job Search Assistance
  • Company Information Sessions

Personal Counseling Services include:

  • Individual and Group Counseling
  • Support and Self-Help Groups
  • Issue-Related Counseling and Workshops
  • “Chattanooga Chats” Workshops
  • Crisis Intervention
  • Community Referrals

(423) 697-4421 

Center for Distributed Education

Chattanooga State offers “anytime, anywhere” education through its Center for Distributed Education. Both credit and non-credit courses are delivered via a variety of methods, WEB-Asynchronous (fully online); desktop Video Conferencing (synchronous teaching) and TN eCampus (formerly RODP). All credit courses have the same content and transferability as on-campus courses.

(423) 697-4408 or 1-800-207-8202 

Child Development Center

The Child Development Center serves Chattanooga State employees and students on a space-available basis. The Center also serves as a demonstration/observation area for Early Childhood Education, Psychology, Nursing, and Allied Health programs. Monthly fees are charged for participation.

(423) 697-4412

Disabilities Support Services

Disabilities Support Services arranges accommodations for students with documented disabilities in order to provide equal access to programs and activities offered by the College. Accommodations may include extended time for testing, reduced distraction testing environment, sign language interpreters, note-takers, assistive listening and audio recording devices, and adaptive computer equipment. Students with disabilities must provide documentation of their disability prior to receiving accommodations. Disabilities Support Services also assists students in linking to appropriate campus and community resources, such as; counseling, tutoring, registration assistance, and Vocational Rehabilitation.

(423) 697-4452

Educational Planning and Advising

The Educational Planning and Advising (EPA) office assists students in the realization of their educational goals. Professional advisers are available to advise students in developing and following an appropriate educational plan.

(423) 697-4483

Internationalizing Initiative

Chattanooga State offers a wide array of opportunities for gaining knowledge, perspective and appreciation of the increasing diversity of America and the dynamics of participating in the global economy. These opportunities include: courses in world cultures and religions, an international students club, focused studies on the business climates and structures of other countries, art and music of other nations, Plaza Comunitaria for Hispanic students, and many more activities.

(423) 697-4475

Library Services

The Augusta R. Kolwyck Library & Information Commons (KLIC) is located on the Instructional Materials Center’s first floor.  KLIC provides a place to study, collaborate and learn for the Chattanooga State community.  KLIC is equipped with 117 computers (MAC & PCs), a quiet study area and collaborative zones, traditional and mobile classrooms, wifi, four multimedia study rooms, a course integrate library instruction program tailored to class assignments, and research and technical assistance.

KLIC’s holdings (as of 2015) include 33,663 print books, 512,062 e-books; 197 print magazine subscriptions; 39,616 + online magazine subscriptions; and 4,838 audiovisual materials. Students can search more than 137 online databases containing journal articles, videos, art slides, music, news stories, literary and biography information, as well as complete books. The library’s catalog and these other resources can be searched at http://library.chattanoogastate.edu.  Check the website for the current library hours. 

The use of KLIC is open to everyone. See KLIC code for library policies http://library.chattanoogastate.edu/klicwebtest/policies.  Students can use their Chattanooga State picture I.D. cards to check out books. Residents of Tennessee, North Georgia, or Northeast Alabama with a current driver’s license may apply for a Chattanooga State library card. 

(423) 697-4448 

Media Services

Media Services is located in the IMC building on the first floor. The staff offers a variety of services in the audio/visual field. They offer a library of 5,000 tapes with over 150 monitors across the campus which are wired to a master control room in the media services center. Via a closed circuit phone in each classroom, videos can be viewed by selecting the number of the video, which is obtained from the instructor, and can be viewed in the classroom.

(423) 697-4405

Middle College High School

This cooperative program between Hamilton County Board of Education and Chattanooga State allows high school students to enter the College and take college credit courses at the same time as high school requirements are completed. As students graduate from Middle College High School, they will have already earned a number of college credits-occasionally with enough credits to earn the Associate degree.

See Admissions for more admission information

(423) 697-4492.

Public Safety


Chattanooga State Community College recognizes the increasing weight of scientific evidence that smoking is harmful not only to the “active” smoker but also to the “passive” smoker who is exposed to others’ smoke. Smoking is defined as the lighting or carrying of a lighted cigarette, cigar, pipe, or similar device, such as, an electronic smoking device. Electronic smoking device is defined as an electronic device that can be used to deliver nicotine or other substances to the person inhaling from the device, including, but not limited to, an electronic cigarette, cigar, cigarillo, pipe or tobacco alternative vaporizing/vapor producing device. The use of mouth tobacco (to include dipping, chewing, etc.) is also prohibited.

Smoking or use of tobacco products, as described above, is prohibited in any buildings, on all grounds, and in all open air areas owned or leased by the college. Additionally, smoking or use of tobacco products will not be allowed in any college owned or leased vehicles. Smoking and use of tobacco products are permitted in a personal vehicle legally parked in college parking areas. Smoke and tobacco usage must be confined within the vehicle.

Chattanooga State is not requiring faculty, staff and students to quit using tobacco products; however, we do expect the policy to be followed while on Chattanooga State property, and we are offering support to our students and employees who wish to stop using prohibited products.

The policy applies to all campuses and to the entire college community, including employees, students, and visitors. Members of the campus community are empowered to respectfully inform others about the policy in an ongoing effort to enhance awareness and encourage a culture of compliance. Campus Police will also be responsible for reminding any faculty, staff, student or visitor who is using tobacco on College property about the College’s Tobacco-Free Policy. Campus Police may also ask to see identification of faculty, staff, students and visitors, and complete an incident report for anyone who is found violating the College’s policy. Incident reports for students will be sent to the Dean of Students/Judicial Affairs for processing through the student disciplinary procedures. Reports for employees will be sent to Human Resources for processing through the employee disciplinary process.


Scholars on the River

Scholars on the River consists of the Honors Program and Phi Theta Kappa which provides an enriched curriculum and related informal educational experience for able and highly motivated students.

Test and GPA requirements are located in the General Information/Academic Regulations/Academic Honors section of this course catalog.

(423) 697-2463

Student Life

The Student Life Office has a very enthusiastic and talented team of people ready to assist students as they integrate into college life and become an involved member of the college community.  Student Life includes: New Student On-Line Orientation, Multicultural and International Student Services and Programming, Judicial Affairs, Student Activities, Intramurals and over forty clubs and organizations.  The Student Life Office assists students with student insurance, locker registration, student ID cards, housing, lost and found and student handbooks.  Students are offered many exciting opportunities for participation and leadership development in Student Life.  Come by our office in S-216 or call 697-4475 for more information. Intramural Office is located in the Health Physical Fitness Building (HPF), phone 697-3207.

(423) 697-4475

Tennessee Small Business Development and Resource Center

Chattanooga State, with area partners, operates the Tennessee Small Business Development and Resource Center at 100 Cherokee Blvd. The Center promotes entrepreneurial education, supports small business start-ups, and provides access to capital. It enhances small businesses through counseling, planning assistance, the First Tennessee Small Business Computing Center, a comprehensive resource library, the TVA Small Business Video Center, seminars, and courses.

(423) 756-8668

Testing Center

The Testing Center offers regularly scheduled tests, tests by special appointment, and unscheduled tests.

(423) 697-4461

Regularly Scheduled Tests Tests by Special Appointment Unscheduled Exams
  • ACT Residual Test
  • Career Abilities Placement Survey (CAPS)
  • Computerized Placement Testing (COMPASS)
  • Computerized Placement Testing (TTC/COMPASS)
  • General Educational Development (GED)
  • Nursing Entrance Test (NET)
  • Health Occupations Basic Entrance Test (HOBET)
  • Ability to Benefit (ATB)
  • Certified Electronic Technician (CET)
  • Regents Online Degree Program (RODP)
  • Special Proctored Exams for other colleges/ businesses
  • Make-up Exams
  • Exams for Distance Education Courses
  • COPS Career Inventory
  • Myers Briggs
  • 16 PF Personality Profile
  • Strong Interest Inventory

Transitional Studies

The Transitional Studies Program offers foundation courses in English, mathematics, reading and Psychology of Learning for students who need additional preparation for college level-courses.

Transitional Studies Policies and Procedures:

  • Valid ACT/SAT scores, COMPASS or other assessment is needed to determine Transitional Studies course placement. Students who have taken the COMPASS/ASSET exam at another institution must have their transcript and test scores sent to the College.
  • Transitional Studies requirements must be completed during the student’s initial terms of enrollment. A grade of “C” or higher is required for progression to the next course. Auditing is not allowed.
  • Students may not withdraw from a Transitional Studies course except for extraordinary reasons and with special permission from the Transitional Studies Director.
  • Instructional labs provide tutoring and supplementary materials.
  • Placement in Learning Strategies (DSPS 0800) is required for students who place into two or more subject areas of DSP courses. This course is no longer offered at Chattanooga State. To complete requirements for this course, register for RI 100, College and Personal Success, and complete the course with a grade of at least a “C.”
  • Credit hours earned for Transitional Studies do not satisfy degree requirements for an associate degree; however, may be corequisites or prerequisites for credit courses and must be completed prior to graduation.

(423) 697-3221

WAWL Radio

The purpose of the WAWL is to serve as a learning lab for students enrolled in the Media Technologies degree program where they are able to receive valuable hands-on experience in the art of radio broadcasting