Feb 08, 2025  
2011-2012 CATALOG 

Fee Payment Information

Student Services Building

Fee Policy

All fees are due when the student registers or pre-registers. Registration is not complete until fees are paid in full or when the initial minimum payment under the Deferred Fee Payment Plan has been paid or the student has confirmed their class schedule.. The fees are subject to change at any time by the Tennessee Board of Regents. Please view current fees.

Fee Schedule

The fee schedule is available on the College’s web site, and at campus locations.

Out-of-state residents who work full-time in Tennessee may attend classes part-time at in-state fee rates, upon completion of an out-of-state employment form. This form must be completed for each term:  

Maintenance fees for Summer are not capped at 12 credit hours. Students will be charged the per hour fee for every hour enrolled.

Note: The regular maintenance fee and tuition, not to exceed the maximum, will be charged for repeating a course for which a grade of “E” has been received in a previous term.

Regents Online Degree Program (RODP)—The fees for RODP students will be the current part-time per hour charge of the home institution for the maintenance fee and for the out-of-state fee, as applicable, plus an online course fee. RODP students are not required to pay the General Access Fee. This fee is included in the RODP Online Course Fee. Regents degree courses are all charged per hour and viewed separately from on-campus courses so as not to mix with the full-time cap applicable to on-campus courses and other online courses that are not part of the Regents Degree Program, and distance education courses. For more information, visit: http://www.TN.regentsdegrees.org.

Senior Citizens and Persons with Disabilities—Senior citizens and persons with disabilities may qualify for discounted maintenance fees.

Fees Charged in Addition to Maintenance and Tuition:

Application Fee—Paid one-time. Non- refundable.
CDE Fee—Online or Directed Studies class. Non-refundable.
Credit by Examination Fee—The regular course fee is charged for each special examination before the test. Non-refundable.
Credit for Life Experience Fee—A non-refundable assessment fee, equivalent to the per-credit-hour maintenance/tuition fee, must be paid prior to faculty assessment of the student’s portfolio.
General Access Fee
Graduation Fee
Handicapped Parking Violation
ID Card Replacement Fee
Late Registration Fee
Parking Violations
Private Music Fee

Returned Check Fee
Special Course Fees—If the College must pay for special facilities, those costs will be assessed as a laboratory fee.
Technology Access Fee:

  • For credit courses per credit hour.
  • For Tennessee Technology Center courses.

Eligibility for Deferment of Payment of Tuition and Fees by Certain Eligible Students Receiving U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs or Other Governmentally Funded Educational Assistance Benefits Service members, veterans, and dependents of veterans who are eligible beneficiaries of U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs education benefits or other governmentally funded educational assistance, subject to the conditions and guidelines set forth in Tennessee Code Annotated 49-7-104 as amended, may elect, upon formal application, to defer payment of required tuition and fees until the final day of the term for which the deferment has been requested. Application for the deferment must be made no later than 14 days after the beginning of the term, and the amount of the deferment shall not exceed the total monetary benefits to be received for the term. Students who have been granted deferments are expected to make timely payments on their outstanding tuition and fees balance once education benefits are being delivered, and eligibility for such deferment shall terminate if the student fails to abide by any applicable rule or regulation, or to act in good faith in making timely payments. This notice is published pursuant to Public Chapter 279, Acts of 2003, effective July 1, 2003.

Refund Policies

Refund percentages are based on billable hours, not amounts paid. Students who officially withdraw from school entirely, full-time students who drop to part-time, or part-time students who drop one or more classes may get a refund.

100% of fees are refunded for (1) drops or withdrawals before the first day of the term, (2) cancelled classes, and (3) the death of a student during the term.

College Credit Courses

The fee adjustment for withdrawals or drops during regular terms (fall and spring) is 75% from the first day of classes through the fourteenth calendar day of classes and then reduced to 25% for a period of time which extends 25% of the length of the term. There is no fee adjustment after the 25% period ends. Students enrolling in more than a full-time course load receive the benefit of additional course work at no additional cost. Dropping or withdrawing from classes during either the 75% or the 25% fee adjustment period will result in a fee adjustment of assessed maintenance fees based on the total credit hours of the final student enrollment. For summer sessions and other short terms, the 75% fee adjustment period and the 25% adjustment period will extend a length of time which is the same proportion of the term as the 75% and 25% periods are of the regular term. Refund policies and dates are available on the College’s website.

Tennessee Technology Center Courses

The fee adjustment for withdrawals and drops are calculated using the same format as college credit courses except the fee adjustment periods are 75% and 50%.

The Vice President for Business and Finance may make an exception to these policies. Requests for exceptions should be submitted in writing, along with supporting documentation to the Vice President or his/her designee.


Dishonored Checks

Checks tendered in payment of fees are normally deposited immediately by the College and should be drawn only against accounts with sufficient balances. Every effort will be made to collect on checks dishonored for any reason. A fee will be charged for dishonored checks.

A STUDENT IS NOT REGISTERED UNTIL ALL FEES ARE PAID in full or when the initial minimum payment under the Deferred Fee Payment plan has been made or the student has confirmed their class schedule.