Feb 08, 2025  
2011-2012 CATALOG 


Students at Kiosk

General Admissions Requirements

Chattanooga State has an open door admission policy. The College is open to all persons, regardless of race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, veteran status, or physical, mental or educational disability. Admissions requirements and procedures vary, depending on the student’s goals and classification. Each category has its own requirements and procedures. However, the following apply to all applicants:

  • Applicants should meet physical standards appropriate to their occupational choices.
  • An admission application is not complete until the Admissions Office has received all required documents. An applicant may be denied registration until all are received.
  • Males between 18 and 26 must certify registration with Selective Service before they can register for classes.
  • The State of Tennessee requires all students who plan to enroll full-time to provide proof of two immunizations with the measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccines. Contact Admissions for detailed information. (Exempt if born before 1957 or graduated from a Tennessee Public High School 1999 or after.)
  • All first-time students must submit a completed Hepatitis B Health History Form prior to enrollment.
  • Effective July 2011, Varicella (Chickenpox) immunization documentation is required for those born on or after January 1, 1980.

In addition to the admission requirements/procedures listed below, some programs have extra requirements, procedures, and deadlines. See the specific program in the “A.A.S. Degrees & Technical Certificates” section of this catalog for
more information.

Admissions Procedures - How To Apply

Regular Admission

A regularly admitted student is one who is pursuing an associate degree or Tennessee Technology Center program from Chattanooga State.

Associate Degree Programs

First Time Freshmen

  • Apply for admission and pay the nonrefundable application fee.
  • Submit an official high school transcript or General Education Development (GED) transcript. An official transcript has the granting institution’s seal and is either mailed directly to the Admissions Office or electronically delivered through official channels; hand delivered in a sealed school envelope, or faxed with cover directly from the school.  High School graduates must hold a regular high school diploma from a regionally accredited school.
  • The high school transcript must be from a regionally accredited school and received after the date of graduation, showing the student’s graduation date with final grades posted.  The transcripts must include successful proficiency test battery, if a test is required to receive a regular diploma.  NOTE: Certificate of attendance and Special Education are not equivalent to a regular high school diploma.
  • Minimum scores for GED Certificate holders are based upon when the GED test was taken and are as follows:           

January 1, 2002 or Later

Minimum score: 2,250
Minimum sub-score: 410
Minimum sub-score average: 450

             January 1, 1997 Through December 31, 2001

Minimum score: 45
Minimum sub-score: 40

Prior to 1997

Minimum score: 45
Minimum sub-score: 35

Graduates of a non-regionally accredited or non-state approved high school will be required to take the GED.

  • Test Requirements
    For applicants under 21: Submit National ACT (American College Testing Program) or SAT (Scholastic Aptitude Test) scores. Scores are valid if taken within three years of the first semester of attendance and are used for advising and placement purposes. Additional assessment may be required.

    Note: Students without the ACT (or SAT) may take the COMPASS test available in the Testing Center.   COMPASS scores cannot be used for Tennessee Lottery eligibility. 
    For applicants 21 or older: Take COMPASS assessment test in reading, writing, and math or submit valid (within three years of the first semester of attendance) ACT or SAT scores.

Transfer Students

  • Apply for admission and pay the nonrefundable application fee. The fee is not required if paid previously.
  • Submit official transcript(s) from all colleges previously attended. An official transcript has the granting institution’s seal and is either mailed or delivered electronically through secure acceptable methods to the Admissions Office; is hand delivered in a sealed school envelope or faxed with cover directly from the school. Transcripts are evaluated and credit may be given for equivalent courses completed at regionally accredited institutions. Transfer credits will not be used in computing the student’s GPA at Chattanooga State. Students transferring from non-regionally accredited institutions follow the same procedures as first time freshmen. Credits from non–regionally accredited institutions may be validated through departmental appeal or departmental examination. Appeal forms are available in the Enrollment Services Office. See “Alternative Sources of Credit” for information on procedures and fees for departmental examination. The appeal forms must be submitted before the term begins.
  • Testing and Placement
    Transfer students who have not earned credits in college-level English composition or college-level, algebra-based math will be assessed in writing and math based on a valid ACT score or other appropriate assessment test. Chattanooga State accepts assessment and placement, as well as equivalent Transitional Studies courses, from all TBR schools. Assessment and placement from other non–TBR institutions, as well as Transitional Studies course credits, may be approved by Chattanooga State’s Transitional Studies director.
  • Transfer students are held to the same standards as other Chattanooga State students. Transfer students deficient in a Basic Academic Competency cannot continue in a related college-level course until they have satisfactorily met the exit criteria of the appropriate Transitional Studies course(s).
  • Transfer students pursuing an AA or AS must also submit official high school transcripts or GED scores. This is waived for students who have a baccalaureate or associate degree.
  • Grade Point Average
    Transfer students must be eligible to return to the institution they transferred from and meet the academic retention standards of Chattanooga State. Students not meeting these criteria may be admitted to Chattanooga State after not attending any college for at least one term (not including summer). Such students are admitted on probation their first term and can be suspended at the end of the term if they do not meet Chattanooga State’s academic retention standards. (See “Academic Retention Standards” in the “Academic Regulations ” section.)

English Language Proficiency

Applicants whose native language is not English must satisfy one of the following requirements.

  • submit a TOEFL score (minimum = 500/paper based, 173/ computer-based, or 61/Internet-based) and take English components of Compass. Students with valid ACT or SAT scores less than 3 years old may elect to submit scores for placement
  • provide an official transcript documenting graduation from an American high school
  • provide an official transcript documenting satisfactory completion (grade C or better) in college-level English Composition I from a regionally accredited U.S. college or university.
  • Chattanooga State will not accept institutional TOEFL scores for admissions purposes

International Students

The Multicultural and International Student Office handles international student admissions, including U.S. BICE (Bureau of Immigration and Customs Enforcement) requirements.

International Students Requirements

  • meet all requirements for admission as a degree-seeking student in the credit division or diploma-seeking in TTC
  • meet language proficiency
  • must provide certified English translation of all high school and post-secondary school transcripts 
  • take English and Reading components of placement exam if no transfer courses from institution using English as primary language
  • furnish evidence of financial capability
  • provide medical certification verifying freedom from tuberculosis
  • have medical and hospitalization insurance or purchase it from the state

Mandatory Placement

  • Students under 21 will be assessed for Transitional Studies placement according to ACT (or corresponding SAT) scores. Students 21or over, GED students, and international students have the option of using ACT/SAT scores (taken within 3 years prior to the first day of the student’s entering term) OR taking assessment tests in reading, writing, and math. Students with an ACT composite score of 26 or higher are placed at college level in all areas. An ACT score less than 19 in the subject areas of reading, writing, or math requires placement in Transitional Studies or further assessment.
  • Students not required to take an assessment may request to be tested.
  • Instructors may recommend testing for students who were not assessed, but later show deficiencies. If a student is then determined to be deficient in a Basic Academic Competency at the Transitional Studies level, he/she may be withdrawn from the class(es) with a grade of “W.” As a result, the student may not re-enroll until the exit criteria of the appropriate Transitional Studies course(s) have been satisfactorily met.
  • A student’s placement may be adjusted based on further holistic assessment.
  • Re-testing for assessment may be available for an additional fee. See Director of Transitional Studies for options and approval to retest.

High School Unit Requirements

Beginning fall semester 1989, students entering a Chattanooga State program designed for transfer to a four-year institution should have the following high school credits:

4 units English
3 units Algebra I or Math for Technology II; Algebra II; and Geometry/Advanced Math OR Integrated Mathematics I, II, and III
2 units Natural/Physical Science (1 unit must have a lab)
1 unit Social Studies
1 unit United States History
2 units A single Foreign Language
1 unit Visual/Performing Art (effective Fall 1993)

High school deficiencies in English or Algebra I or Algebra II may be removed by scoring 19 or higher on the ACT sub score; scoring at college level on placement tests other than ACT; or completing Transitional Studies requirements. Completion of general education blocks also removes deficiencies in social studies, history, visual performing arts, science, geometry/advanced mathematics. Students entering Tennessee public institutions will be required to make up any deficiency including foreign language before receiving a baccalaureate degree. It is strongly recommended that students remove all deficiencies as part of their associate degree program. Courses used to satisfy the deficiency in foreign language may be designated as electives or used to satisfy the Associate of Arts language requirements.


  • Applicants who graduated from high school or received a GED before 1989 are not subject to the 1989 Admission Requirements.
  • Applicants who graduated from high school and have an ACT composite score of 26 or higher will have met all high school unit requirements except for foreign language and visual/performing arts.
  • Applicants who received a General Education Development (GED) Certificate or an American Council on Education (ACE) External Diploma in 1989 or thereafter are considered to have met all high school unit requirements except those in foreign language and visual/performing arts. (However, such students are not exempt from the “American History Requirement” mandated by the Tennessee General Assembly as a condition of receiving a bachelor’s degree from one of Tennessee’s state-supported colleges or universities.)
  • For applicants holding a baccalaureate degree or an associate degree designed for transfer, all high school deficiencies will be waived upon presentation of a transcript verifying completion of the degree.
  • The qualifications and needs of applicants who volunteer information about a handicapping condition will be assessed on an individual basis. Assessment will include an evaluation of the applicant’s potential for success in college and the determination of any exceptions which may be warranted.
  • Applicants who are non-Tennessee residents are subject to the same admission requirements as Tennessee applicants.
  • The High School Unit Requirements do not apply to students enrolled in Associate of Applied Science degrees or Technical Certificates of Credit.

Tennessee Technology Center Programs

  • Apply for admission (with nonrefundable fee).
  • Be age 18; or (if under 18) have a high school diploma from a regionally accredited school, GED, or be a designated Tech Prep program participant.
  • Testing
    • applicants must take the Tennessee Technology Center’s prescribed entrance exam or COMPASS or ACT.  (Waived for applicants with a baccalaureate or associate degree.)
  • If applying for financial aid, submit:
    • Official high school transcript or GED transcript, and
    • Official transcript(s) from each college or university attended, or
    • A passing score on the Ability to Benefit Test (given in the Testing Center by appointment only).

Technical Certificate of Credit Programs

  • Apply for admission (with nonrefundable fee).
  • Be admitted as Non-degree Seeking (see below).
  • Testing requirements, if any, are determined by the program’s content.

If a student enrolled in a Technical Certificate of Credit program later changes to degree-seeking status, all regular admission requirements, including assessment, must be met. Likewise, a regularly admitted student pursuing an associate degree may concurrently pursue a Technical Certificate of Credit, but this provision does not alter any requirements for regular admission.

  • Additional Admission Requirements

Some Technical Certificate of Credit programs have additional requirements, procedures, and deadlines which must be met. See the specific program in the “A.A.S. Degrees & Technical Certificates” section of this catalog for information.

Non-degree Seeking Students

A Non-degree Seeking student is one who takes credit courses without working toward a degree.  Non-degree Seeking students must:

  • Apply for admission (with nonrefundable fee).
  • Be age 21, or (if under 21) have a regular high school diploma from a regionally accredited school or GED.
  • Testing may be required for eligibility to take courses
  • Meet course prerequisites. (Transcripts may be required for advisement.)

Some Technical Certificate of Credit programs require testing before admission. Testing may also be required in order to take certain courses (see below). Though Non-degree Seeking students may not be required to complete normal assessment procedures, they are responsible for having the requisite knowledge and skills to succeed in their course(s).


  • Non-degree Seeking students cannot enroll in a college level English or math course or in a course with an English or math prerequisite until they (1) satisfy the course’s Mandatory Assessment Requirements, or (2) show successful completion of an appropriate college level English and/or algebra-based math course.
  • Non-degree Seeking students are not eligible for financial aid unless enrolled in an approved Technical Certificate of Credit program.
  • There is no limit on the number of credits Non-degree Seeking students may carry per term other than those stated in the Academic Load policy.
  • Non-degree Seeking students are not restricted in how many credits they can earn.

When Non-degree Seeking students change to degree-seeking status, ALL regular admissions requirements must be met prior to registration regardless of the number of credit hours earned.

Transient Students

Students who are regularly enrolled in another college may attend Chattanooga State as transient students. Transient students must:

  • Apply for admission (non-refundable fee).
  • For each semester attending, submit a letter of good standing from their regular college, dated after the end of the last term attended.
  • Meet course prerequisites. (Transcript may be required for advisement.)
  • If taking English or math, show successful completion of appropriate college level English and/or algebra-based math course(s), or satisfy the course’s Mandatory Assessment Requirements.

Note: Transient Students are not eligible to receive financial aid through Chattanooga State. If a transient student changes to Chattanooga State degree seeking status, ALL admissions requirements must be met prior to registration.

Early Admission—Submit an application to the Enrollment Services Office with nonrefundable application fee.

  1. Early admission is available to high school students who have:

    • completed the 9th, 10th, and 11th grades with a 3.2+ GPA on a 4.0 scale or the equivalent.
    • ACT composite score of at least 22.
    • written statement from their high school principal or counselor specifying the college courses that will be substituted for the remaining high school courses needed for high school graduation.
    • written endorsements from their high school counselors and from their parents or guardians.

The student will leave the high school at the end of the junior year and matriculate into Chattanooga State. The Chattanooga State courses will substitute for courses needed for graduation from high school. The high school principal or counselor, or designee, will determine appropriateness of the courses before the student’s matriculation.

The student is awarded senior credit after successfully completing the college freshman year. Since 4 units of English are required for high school graduation, each student will enroll in freshman English, plus American History and Economics if not already completed in high-school.

  1.  Early College/Dual Enrollment    The Early College Program allows qualified high school students to take college courses for which they receive both college and high school credit simultaneously. Courses are offered on the high school campuses, on Chattanooga State campuses, and online. All courses are taught by credentialed Chattanooga State instructors.  

 A prospective Early College student must

  • be a high school student (freshmen and sophomores admitted by exception)
  • have parent, counselor, and principal permission
  • have attained a minimum sub-score on a college entrance exam as described below:

For Humanities and Social/Behavioral Science courses

 ACT/PLAN English score of 19
SAT Writing score of 450
Compass Reading/Writing scores at college-ready level
(ENGL1010/1020 open to seniors only)

For Math & Engineering courses

ACT/PLAN Math score of 19 (21 for MATH 1720, 25 for MATH 1910)
SAT Math score of 460 for MATH 1720, 570 for MATH 1910
Compass Math and Reading/Writing scores at college-ready level

For Science courses

ACT/PLAN Science score of 19
Compass Math and Reading/Writing scores at college-ready level

Students may be admitted by exception with the recommendation of the high school principal and approval of the ChSCC Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs.

  1. Middle College High School—Courses are offered during the day at the Chattanooga State main campus located on Amnicola Highway. Students will matriculate into Chattanooga State with parent and principal’s or counselor’s permission. Qualified instructors teach all courses. Since 4 units of English are required for high school graduation, each student will enroll in an English course developed and taught by a Hamilton County teacher, housed on the Chattanooga State campus for this purpose.

Each Middle College student will enroll in other courses defined as necessary to complete the Carnegie units that are required for high school graduation. These courses are included with the standard curriculum offered at Chattanooga State and are taught by full time Chattanooga State professors. Middle College High School students may take any scheduled course that is appropriate for the completion of high school requirements other than English. Students receive both college and high school credit simultaneously for these college courses.

Middle College High School students meet the following criteria:

  • Have completed the 9th, 10th, or 11th grade.
  • Have an ACT composite score of at least 19 or a demonstration of ability by exception.
  • Provide a written statement of recommendation from principal or counselor and parent.
  • Have completed all necessary paperwork for college entrance.
  • Have been selected for participation by the Middle College High School screening committee.
  • Will be dual enrolled with the college.

Middle College High School graduates may also earn Chattanooga State’s associate degree.

MCHS graduates can use their college courses to meet associate degree requirements. After Middle College students have completed their high school requirements, they can:

  • Apply for re-admission as an associate degree major.
  • Provide a letter of intent to graduate (MCHS) from the Middle College principal.
  • Enroll in remaining courses to complete the associate degree.
  • Submit an Intent to Graduate form to the College’s Enrollment Services Office.
  1. Academically talented/gifted students enrolled in grades 9–12 in Tennessee may, with the high school principal and appropriate personnel’s approval, take college courses from a Tennessee college if the student presents an official high school transcript showing a 3.2 GPA on a 4.0 scale, if such placement is a part of the student’s Individual Education Program (IEP) as established by the multi-disciplinary team process.

Chattanooga State Dual Credit for High School Students

Student submits High School Diploma and Application for Articulated Credit to Tech-Track Coordinator. The coordinator will award warranted credit and submit to Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs for approval. Upon approval, application information will be entered in a database for escrow and accountability which the Tech-Track Coordinator maintains then will be forwarded to the Records Department for assigning credit on Banner. The credit will be assigned an AP grade and will not count towards GPA calculation. Credit must be applied for and issued within two (2) years of high school graduation; once credit is issued the students will retain credit.

Tennessee Technology Center Dual Enrollment Program

The Tennessee Technology Center (TTC) offers dual enrollment opportunities for select high school juniors and seniors on a space-available basis. Students will earn clock-hours toward a TTC diploma as well as high school graduation credit. Dual enrollment students may apply to receive funds from the Tennessee Dual Enrollment Lottery Grant.  Once high school graduation is complete, students may continue their enrollment in the TTC program and access the Wilder-Naifeh Technical Skills Grant.

To be considered for admission, prospective students must:

  • Attend a school that has an active articulation agreement with the TTC
  • Have a completed parental permission form
  • A written recommendation from their high school principal
  • Schedule an interview with the assistant dean of the TTC and
  • Meet the admissions requirements for the program

Technology Center – Dual Credit for High School Students

Student submits Technology Center Diploma and Application for Articulated Credit to Tech-Track Coordinator. The coordinator will award warranted credit and submit to Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs for approval. Upon approval, application information will be entered in a database for escrow and accountability which the Tech-Track Coordinator maintains then will be forwarded to the Records Department for assigning credit on Banner. The credit will be assigned an AP grade and will not count towards GPA calculation. Credit must be applied for and issued within two (2) years of Technology Center graduation; once credit is issued the students will retain credit.


A student may audit college-level or Tennessee Technology Center courses. Auditing may be denied based on available space or if restricted by program of study.

Students may enroll in any combination of audit and credit courses.

Students cannot audit Transitional Studies courses.

Payment of the regular course fee is required. The student participates in class, but is not required to do assignments or take tests.

Audit hours may not be converted to credit later or used to replace an earlier grade.

The last day to register, add, or change to audit status is the last day to register each term - see term calendar. 

Senior Citizens and Persons With Disabilities

Tennessee residents who are totally and permanently disabled or who are senior citizens (age requirement defined below) may take courses at Chattanooga State for a reduced rate. A “Maintenance Fee Reduction Request,” available from the Enrollment Services Office, must be completed at the time of registration each semester in order to receive the discount or waiver. Normal admission (or readmission) requirements apply.

Audit—To receive a maintenance fee waiver for auditing, a person must:

  • be age 60+ or permanently disabled
  • meet Tennessee residency requirements
  • provide proof of age or disability before registering
  • register for AUDIT on first day of class if space is available in course(s) and no later than the last day to register each term
  • pay all other applicable fees

Credit—To receive discounted maintenance fees on credit courses, a person must:

  • be age 65+ or permanently disabled
  • register for credit on first day of class if space is available in course(s)
  • meet Tennessee residency requirements
  • provide proof of age or disability before registering
  • have satisfied all prerequisites or other criteria required for the course(s)
  • pay all other applicable fees


A student who did not attend the preceding term (summer excluded) must:

  • Reapply for admission (no fee)
  • Submit official transcripts from any college attended since leaving Chattanooga State (if applying for regular admission status)
  • Complete any unmet admission requirements
  • Recent Chattanooga State graduates who are planning to continue attending must complete a Program Change form.
  • Academic Fresh Start must be done at time of readmission (see Academic Fresh Start section for eligibility and terms).

Alternative Sources of Credit

Chattanooga State awards credit for successful completion of the following nationally recognized college-level examinations offered by the College Entrance Examination Board (CEEB):

Advanced Placement (AP)

AP tests are given to 11th and 12th grade students. Scores must be three or higher to receive credit.


Articulation of  credits received in coursework/training programs from a registered apprenticeship program through United States Department of Labor (DOL) or a formal employee-based training program to Associate of Applied Science (A.A.S.) program in community colleges may occur under the following provisions:

Student requirements include the following provisions:

  • The student must meet all regular admissions requirements of the community college as published in the institutional catalog.
  • The student must provide official documentation of coursework/training. Examples of documentation are:
    • Journeyman’s Diploma awarded through the U.S. Department of Labor
    • Coursework/Training Certificate of Completion
  • For more information contact the Engineering Technology  Division.

 College Level Examination Program (CLEP) 

CLEP scores must be at the 50th percentile to get credit. Chattanooga State’s Testing Center arranges the tests. Students who have taken CLEP exams elsewhere should have official scores sent to the Admissions Office.

Credits earned by testing appear on the student’s transcript with a grade of “AP,” which carries no quality points and is not included in the student’s GPA.

No limit is set on the number of hours that can be earned by AP or CLEP other than the restrictions imposed by the Graduation Residency Requirement.

Transfer program students should talk to their intended college or university about accepting AP and/or CLEP credit.

Credit by Assessment

Credit by Assessment for high school work; contact the Tech-Track Coordinator in Academic Affairs.

Credit By Departmental Examination

With the approval of an instructor, dean, and the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, a student can earn credit for some college-level courses by passing a special departmental examination(s). Contact division offices for details.

Conditions and Restrictions:

  • The student must be currently enrolled in credit work at Chattanooga State and have 2.5 cumulative GPA.
  • The student must show the academic department he/she has the knowledge, skills, and/or competencies covered by the course. Permission to take a proficiency exam may be denied if the department decides the student’s request is invalid. The department’s decision is final.
  • Proficiency examinations may validate credits taken at unaccredited institutions. Students must show by official transcript that the credits were previously earned.
  • The regular course fee is charged for each test, in addition to maintenance fees paid for courses in which the student is actually registered (even if the student is full-time).
  • Credits earned by testing appear on the student’s transcript with a grade of “AP,” which carries no quality points and is not used in computing the student’s GPA.
  • Proficiency tests may not be used to repeat coursework or to remove a grade of “I” or “F.”
  • A student may take the proficiency test for a specific course only once.
  • Credits earned by testing do not satisfy the Graduation Residency Requirement.
  • No limit is set on the total number of credits that can be earned by examination other than the restrictions imposed by the Graduation Residency Requirement.
  • Proficiency examinations are not available for all courses.

Students planning to transfer should talk to their intended college or university about accepting proficiency test credit.

Credit for Life Experience

Individuals who have not earned an associate or baccalaureate degree may be eligible to petition to receive credit for work experience and/or certified professional programs. A student who has previously taken the petitioned course may not request Credit for Life Experience. Credit hours earned by Life Experience are not considered part of the College’s Graduation Residency Requirement.

Credit for Life Experience may be granted by:

  • Verification of College Credit Recommendation in the Directory of the National Program on Non collegiate Sponsored Instruction (published by the University of the State of New York and the State Education Department of New York).
  • Up to nine (9) semester hours may be granted upon submission of a portfolio documenting professional experience that directly relates to the content of specific courses offered by Chattanooga State AND approval of this portfolio by a Faculty Committee. The portfolio process must be initiated at least two semesters before graduating. A non-refundable assessment fee, equivalent to the per-credit-hour maintenance/tuition fee, must be paid prior to faculty assessment of the student’s portfolio. Step-by-step procedures are listed in the Student Handbook. Assessment by portfolio is allowed only if credit by exam (including CLEP) is not available.

Military Service Credit

Credit may be granted for appropriate educational experience in the armed services in accordance with evaluation in the American Council on Education Guide to the Evaluation of Education Experience in the Armed Services. Veterans should submit documentation of previous training to the Veterans Affairs Office.

Students who have completed Basic Training with any military branch of the United States to include Reserves, National Guard or a Police or Fire Academy, may receive two credits for physical education activity courses. One credit is allowed for each six months of continuous active duty to a maximum of two credits.

Petition for Transfer of Credit

Credits from non-regionally accredited institutions may be evaluated on an individual basis (forms available in the Enrollment Services Office) or may be validated by examination (Credit by Departmental Examination).

  • Credit will be awarded after review and approval by the appropriate academic department and dean.
  • Credit hours awarded through transfer must be equivalent to hours for course at Chattanooga State. 

American Council on Education (ACE)

Chattanooga State may give credit for appropriate educational experience listed in The National Guide to Educational Credit for Training Programs sponsored by the American Council on Education. The program is national in scope, and the Tennessee Higher Education Commission is a participating agency. Each request will be considered on its own merit and must have the approval from the appropriate division.


Orientation is required for all first-time degree-seeking students.

Out-of-state Fee Waivers

Chattanooga State is conveniently located to serve students in Alabama and Georgia, and will even grant in-state tuition to residents of these bordering counties: Jackson County, Alabama; or Catoosa, Dade, Murray, Walker, Whitfield, or Fannin County, Georgia. This classification is based on the information provided on your admission application. 

Military personnel and their spouses stationed in the State of Tennessee because of military orders are not required to pay out-of-state tuition, as long as they are stationed in Tennessee for a reason other than seeking an education.

Students who work full-time in Tennessee and attend class part-time will be charged in-state tuition. These students must provide an employer verification form (available online) when paying their fees each semester. 

Students who are only taking online classes (and who do not qualify for a better tuition rate because of one of the classifications explained above) may qualify for a special tuition eRate. Information is available on the bursar’s web site

Residency Classification

The following determines in-state and out-of-state status for fees and tuition purposes for college credit courses. The fee policies are defined by the State University and Community College System of Tennessee:

  • Everyone domiciled* in Tennessee is classified in-state for fee, tuition, and admission purposes.
  • Everyone not domiciled in Tennessee is classified out-of-state for said purposes.
  • The domicile of an “unemancipated person”** is that of his or her parent (i.e., father or mother, or non-parental guardian or legal custodian provided the guardianship or custodianship was not created primarily to create in-state status).
  • Tennessee Technology Center students who are out-of-state residents do not pay additional fees because of residency.
  • Unemancipated students of divorced parents are in-state when one parent, regardless of custodial status, is domiciled in Tennessee.
  • A graduate of any out-of-state high school must prove Tennessee residency before receiving in-state tuition status.
  • The spouse of a student classified as in-state shall also be classified as in-state.
  • International students will pay out-of-state tuition and cannot establish Tennessee residency.
  • Students classified by Immigration as a Permanent Resident, Resident Alien, Refugee, or Immigrant may be charged in-state fees if domiciled in Tennessee.
  • Part-time students who are not domiciled in Tennessee but who are employed full-time in Tennessee are classified out-of-state but are not required to pay out-of-state tuition. The student must provide proper documentation each semester.
    * Domicile—a person’s true, fixed, and permanent home and place of habitation; it is the place where he or she intends to remain, and to which he or she expects to return when he or she leaves without intending to establish a new domicile elsewhere.
    ** Emancipated person—a person who is eighteen years old, and whose parents have entirely surrendered the right to his/her care, custody, and earnings and are no longer under any legal obligation to support or maintain him/her.

Contact the Enrollment Services Office for more information.


To receive benefits, eligible students must:

  • Apply to the Department of Veterans Affairs for educational benefits.
  • Be enrolled in an associate degree program or in a Tennessee Technology Center program.
  • Submit a copy of DD 214 and DD-2384, if applicable.
  • Register for classes.

Eligibility for Deferment of Payment of Tuition and Fees by Certain Eligible Students Receiving U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs or Other Government Funded Educational Assistance Benefits

Service members, veterans, and dependents of veterans who are eligible beneficiaries of U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs education benefits or other government funded educational assistance, subject to the conditions and guidelines set forth in Tennessee Code Annotated 49- 7-104 as amended, may elect, upon formal application, to defer payment of required tuition and fees until the final day of the term for which the deferment has been requested. Application for the deferment must be made no later than 14 days after the beginning of the term, and the amount of the deferment shall not exceed the total monetary benefits to be received for the term. Students who have been granted deferments are expected to make timely payments on their outstanding tuition and fees balance once education benefits are being delivered, and eligibility for such deferment shall terminate if the student fails to abide by any applicable rule or regulation, or to act in good faith in making timely payments. This notice is published pursuant to Public Chapter 279, Acts of 2003, effective July 1, 2003.

Qualifying Courses

A student receiving veteran benefits can only be paid for courses listed in the catalog as required for his/her designated major.

Tennessee Technology Center Programs

Students receiving veteran benefits who are enrolled in Tennessee Technology Center programs are certified for clock-hour certificates. Credit may be given for previous education or training as determined by the instructor and approved by the Vice President for Academic Affairs at initial enrollment.

Full-time Status

The Department of Veterans Affairs accepts, as full-time, students who meet either of the following criteria:

  • degree-seeking students taking 12 or more credit hours per-semester.
  • Tennessee Technology Center students enrolled in clock hour programs meeting at least 30 hours per week.

Academic Fresh Start

Veterans are not eligible for Academic Fresh Start.

Veterans Brochure

Brochures with more information are available in Veterans Affairs.