Dec 01, 2024
Fire Suppression Concentration
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Fire Science Technology A.A.S.
Nursing/Allied Health Division
Associate of Applied Science Degree
This concentration allows career emergency service personnel to enhance their emergency services education, and gives the student who wishes to enter emergency services an introduction to the basics of fire suppression. Topics include legal issues, safety, fire protection, tactics/ strategy, fire equipment, and building construction, fire systems, prevention, and fire cause.
Career Opportunities
Fire suppression, rescue, hazardous materials organizations, fire prevention, industrial fire protection, and private fire protection companies.
Summary of Required Hours
*Must choose from: PY 101, PO 110, or SO 110.
** Technical Electives totaling fourteen (14) hours must be selected from courses with the following prefixes: EA, FI, HZ, MG, OS. Alternatively, students who plan to transfer to a four year program may, with adviser approval, use their Technical Elective hours to take additional General Education courses needed to satisfy requirements for the baccalaureate degree. Students with current state or national licensure as Emergency Medical Technicians may be eligible for Advanced Standing credit toward the Technical Elective requirement. See program adviser for details.
MATH 1410 not acceptable for Nursing/Allied Health programs. |
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