Apr 30, 2024  

Academic Affairs

02:03:03 Grading Policy


  1. The purpose of this policy is to set forth the standards for grading for all courses at Chattanooga State.
  2. Chattanooga State uses a grading system designed to show the level of mastery the student has achieved in a course. Minimum acceptable achievement is what is deemed necessary to enter the next level course or, at the program level, to enter a four-year college, or to be qualified to work in a specific career. The letter grades below are based on documented mastery of a set of specific instructional competencies. The competencies and objectives for each course are listed in the course syllabus. 

Note: Some program courses may require a higher than minimum average listed below - see course syllabus


Letter Grade

     Quality Points (per semester hour)






Indicates consistently superior performance. Mastery level should be a minimum average of 90.





Indicates consistently above-average performance. Mastery level should be a minimum average of 80.





Indicates satisfactory performance. Mastery level should be a minimum average of 70.





Indicates less than mastery level performance with a minimum average of 65. A course in which a “D” grade has been earned cannot be used as a prerequisite for another course.





A grade of “C’ or better is required in all prerequisite courses and in all courses specified by course numbers in the summary of required hours.   Any program-directed or technical electives, all Allied Health programs, Associate of Science in Teaching (AST), and Technical Certificates require “C” or better in all course work.





Indicates failure to achieve minimum standards.





Indicates failure due to attendance.






Incomplete Grades may be given to permit students time to complete work required for a course. An Incomplete counts as an “F”, both in computing the GPA and for purposes of satisfying course prerequisites.


A student shall contact the faculty member and request a grade of Incomplete (I), or the faculty member may initiate an Incomplete under extraordinary circumstances and in consultation with their Department Head and/or Dean, if the student is unable to request an Incomplete.


Faculty may request documentation and determine whether or not such circumstances are relevant to the Incomplete request. The grade of “I” will be given at faculty discretion


The “I” grade should be considered only when the student has the potential to earn a passing grade if the missing work is made up, has successfully completed most of the work in the course, and has been participating and/or communicating with the faculty member.


The instructor shall prescribe in a written agreement with the student the remaining course work required for completion and removal of the “I” grade.  A copy of this agreement will be kept on file in the office of the appropriate dean.  When the work is completed, the instructor will submit a grade change with the grade earned. If the work is not completed within the prescribed time frame, the “I” will automatically change to an “IF” grade.


The deadline for removing an Incomplete is determined by the instructor, but must be no later than two weeks before the end of the next semester. An exception to this rule is anyone who has filed an Intent to Graduate. If incomplete grades in courses satisfying degree or certificate requirements are not removed within two weeks of the end of the term, the student’s degree or certificate will not be posted until the following term.





Incomplete/Failure. Indicates student failed to complete the requirements of a course in which he/she had received an Incomplete.





Withdrawal. Indicates the student has withdrawn from the course. Does not count in the GPA.





Audit. Indicates that the student elected to enroll in the course for no grade or credit. Audits do not replace previous grades.





Credit by Examination. This designation is used for both institutional and national exams (AP and-CLEP).





Credit for Life Experience. Is not counted in the GPA.





Satisfactory/No Credit. Selected courses may be offered on a competency based grading system. If the student satisfactorily meets the minimum competencies, credit (S) will be awarded. Students not meeting minimum competencies will not receive credit (N).

New Policy Submitted to Policy Review Committee on June 4, 2021

Submitted to Policy Review Board on July 8, 2021

Approved by Policy Review Board on July 28, 2021