Feb 08, 2025  

Technology Division

08:21:01 Technology Customer Service Support
  1. Introduction: Technology Division is responsible for providing technology support to our customers throughout all of the Chattanooga State Community College campuses. This policy describes how customers can request support, changes and notifications of system outages.  This policy provides guidance for the base or core service roles/responsibilities agreement between Technology Division and the Chattanooga State community. The scope of this policy includes all College staff, faculty, students, adjuncts, and vendors. Review Tennessee Board of Regents (TBR) Information Technology Policy 1:08:00:00 and Access Control Policy 1:08:03:00 for specific guidance.
  2. The Technology Service Desk is the most expedient manner to address any technology related inquires/issues for all Chattanooga State customers. This will ensure that each request can be handled based on criticality and impact. Calling technicians for support directly interferes with resolution time and assignment of service requests. Customers can request help through the Technology Service Desk through the Technology website: https://servicedesk.chattanoogastate.edu/.
    1. For any “event” non-emergency requests for after hour support we request at least a 72 hour notification before the planned event date. This is to ensure we have needed technicians and required technology resources ready for the event.

    2. Chattanooga State staff and faculty may request escalation of an existing work order by providing a written (email) request from their Director or Vice President.  Please send these requests to the Vice President of Technology and/or Executive Director of Information Management.  If requested timeframes could impact other due dates for other critical projects or service requests will be negatively impacted, further discussions with customers could be necessary.

    3. Products supported by Technology fall into two separate categories:                                                                                                       
      1. Enterprise wide (standard) software.
      2. Limited support software (products used for individual departmental   purposes.) Review Technology Projects 08:25:00 Policy for specific requirements for requesting purchase and/or support for non-enterprise software/hardware.
    4. Support not provided include:
      1. Support for computers and other devices not owned by Chattanooga State.
      2. Support for non-Chattanooga State activities (e.g., games, personal business, etc.)
      3. Support for hardware/software that is customer supported and/or is at end of life and no longer supported by the vendor. Software that can no longer receive security updates is considered non-supported. Software that no longer runs in Chattanooga State operating system environment due to version constraints with other products is considered to be non-supported. All approved Technology Supported software/tools will be maintained through the Technology S/W inventory. 

  3. Technology strives to keep service outages to a minimum.  Service outages fall into two major categories: planned outages and unplanned outages.
    1. Planned outages occur when equipment is repaired or replaced, or when   they are necessary to make software upgrades. Review TBR 1:08:01:00 for specific guidelines. Testing by impacted customers is necessary and documentation from the customer that testing has been completed and the customer is OK with upgrade is required for audit documentation. Banner Steering Committee members are required to approve outages for Banner production before outage can be completed. Banner TEST and NPRD Banner systems can be taken for outages without planning, if necessary.
    2. Unplanned outages could impact one customer or the whole campus. Customers should notify the Service Desk immediately if a technology system is not working as usual or one suspects an outage of an enterprise-wide production system (Banner, Luminis, Internet, email, etc.). Service desk personnel will start escalation and tracking of the issue, as needed.


  1. NIST SP 800-171 Rev 5, Security and Privacy Controls for Information Systems and Organizations September 2020
  2. State of Tennessee Department of Finance and Administration Strategic Technology Solutions 2:05, 8/2/2021
  3. Tennessee Board of Regents (TBR) Information Technology Policy 1:08:00:00, 5/14/2019      
  4. Tennessee Board of Regents (TBR) Access Control 1:08:03:00 Access Control, 5/14/2019
  5. Chattanooga State Community College (ChSCC) Technology Policy 08:25:00, 10/24/2017


Submitted to Policy Review Committee on February 21, 2022

Submitted to Policy Review Board on March 28, 2022

Approved by the Policy Review Board on April 13, 2022


Previous versions:

Submitted to Policy Review Committee on June 14, 2019

Submitted to Policy Review Board on July 22, 2019

Approved by Policy Review Board on July 31, 2019


Policy created June 2019; replaces Policy 08:21:00, Information Technology Services IT Service Desk Support