Feb 08, 2025  

College Advancement and Public Relations

10:03:00 Grant Development Policy


  1. All federal, state, local, private or external grant proposals must be coordinated and submitted through the Grant Specialist’s office in order to help centralize monitoring of institutional  resource commitments and administration.
  2. Projects that do not align with the Institution’s Strategic Plan (ChSCC or TCAT) will not be pursued unless initiated through the Grant Specialist’s office with the President’s approval.
  3. Initiation of grant projects by faculty/staff,departments and/or divisions is encouraged. Initiation of a grant project by faculty or staff is considered to be both professional development and service to the College and should be credited and recognized accordingly during individual annual performance evaluations.
  4. In the event that a grant sponsor requires Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval, timely notification to the Office of Institutional Effectiveness, Research, and Planning is necessary in order to complete an appropriate review. IRB approval must be acquired prior to grant approval submission to the President.
  5. All proposed grant projects will be presented to the Division/Departmental Vice-President for approval through the Application to Develop a Grant Proposal form prior to grant development. The President shall have final authority on all grant projects. In consultation with the Grant Specialist, grant proposals will be developed in coordination with faculty, staff, program and unit leaders, and/or committees appointed by Vice Presidents or the President. The Office of Institutional Effectiveness, Research, and Planning is available for data generation and the Grant Specialist is available for consultation in writing or editing grant proposals.
  6. All salaries, including faculty release time, must be reviewed and approved by the Division/Departmental in consultation with the Director of Human Resources.
  7. All grant applications/proposals ,in at least draft form, are required to be reviewed by the Grant Specialist’s office and the Division/Departmental Vice-President at least four weeks prior to the grant deadline. With the knowledge of the Division/Departmental Vice-President, the Grant Specialist and the President must approve exceptions to the four weeks in writing.
  8. Before submission to the President, grant proposal budgets will be reviewed by the Grant Specialist and the College’s Grants & Contracts Office at least fifteen days prior to the grant deadline.With the knowledge of the Division/Departmental Vice-President,the Grant Specialist and the President must approve exceptions to the days in writing.
  9. Grant projects must demonstrate support by the unit of origin and must receive final authorization by the President. These approvals require that acompleted proposal, including project budgets, be available for the President’s review at least five business days prior to the grant deadline, unless the President approves a shorter time period.
  10. Grant projects will be administered in compliance with current institutional staff, affirmative action, student personnel, and fiscal policies. Unless grant specifications dictate otherwise, in- kind match contributions will be considered part of the restricted grant project and must be documented according to stated commitment in the grant.
  11. Grant awards will be announced for general institutional and public information according to congressional, Tennessee Board of Regents (TBR), and institutional protocol/procedures.
  12. Fiscal and programmatic procedures for each grant project will be articulated through the institution’s (ChSCC or TCAT’s) Policies and Procedures, as well as requirements set forth in the sponsored program’s governing documents.
  13. Unless otherwise directed by the President, the Grant Specialist will function as the designated college representative for grant funding with federal, state, local, private agencies and organizations, as well as their program officers. The Grant Specialist will serve as the primary point of contact for funding communications and negotiations for all grant activity.


Reference Documents: TBR Policy 1-03-02-10 Approval of Agreements; TBR Policy A-010 Academic Program Proposals-inclusive; TBR Policy A-110 Institutional Review for Research


Reviewed April 12, 2021


Reviewed and revised by Advancement and PR office on 10/17/2017 

Reviewed and approved by Policy Review Board on 11/29/2017