Feb 08, 2025  

College Advancement and Public Relations

10:04:00 Marketing and Communications Policy


  1. Introduction
    1. The Marketing and Communications Department of Chattanooga State Community College is responsible for communicating with key audiences - aligned with the strategic priorities - while upholding the image of the College. Market research, promotions, advertising, social media, media relations, storytelling, and brand identity management are just some of the responsibilities that live under the arc of marketing and communications.
  2. Media relations, writing and distribution of news releases, and the design and placement of advertising on behalf of Chattanooga State must be coordinated through the Marketing and Communications Department. Chattanooga State Community College employees must abide by all the Procedural Guidelines for this policy.
  3. College trademarks, copyrights, graphic standards, and editorial style guidelines are maintained by Marketing and Communications to enhance, maintain, and protect the brand identity for Chattanooga State.
    1. Use of all versions of the approved logos are regulated through the Marketing and Communications Department. Please check with the Marketing and Communications Department if you have questions about the appropriate logo to use.
    2. When an official logo is used, no other words, designs or additional colors may be added. The proportions of the logo are not to be manipulated or stretched. The logo should not be recreated, redrawn or otherwise altered in any way. In most cases, one of the approved CS logos should be used. A version of the approved logos in black and in white are also available through the Marketing and Communications Department; these variations to the official logo are the only accepted standard uses.
    3. Other logos, marks, and names that are not approved by the Marketing and Communications Department will not be permitted. The creation of new and/or secondary logos is generally discouraged. Departments, programs, and offices that wish to request or develop a unique name or logo as a brand extension of Chattanooga State’s existing marks and name should work with the Marketing and Communications Department toward a new design. This applies to all new marks and names, whether they are to be used internally or externally.
    4. College departments, offices, organizations, students, and other associates, as well as outside organizations and vendors, must obtain written permission from the Marketing and Communications Department to use Chattanooga State’s official logo on any and all products.
    5. The College logo is a protected image. No lines, words or artwork may overlap the protected area of the image. No changes or alterations can be made to the design in any way.
    6. Using the College seal is prohibited without prior approval from the Marketing and Communications Department.
    7. Chattanooga State marks may not be used in conjunction with references to alcohol or drugs.
    8. Chattanooga State employees must abide by the important graphic standards and editorial style guidelines contained in the Chattanooga State Brand Book: Graphics & Editorial Style Guide to ensure brand consistency and to develop a familiar College representation through images and multi-media communications.
  4. Chattanooga State’s Marketing & Communications Department is responsible for the College’s official external website: chattanoogastate.edu. Please refer to Website Policy 10:04:01 and related Procedural Guidelines .
    1. Chattanooga State’s website and all of its subpages and affiliated sites, including official social media sites, are protected by intellectual copyright laws, as stated by the U.S. Copyright Office and World Intellectual Property Organization. Users of the website can access Terms of Use and Privacy Policy online
  5. All print and electronic publications of the College must follow the standards outlined in the Chattanooga State Brand Book and the following related policies and guidelines:
    1. Website Policy 10:04:01
    2. Digital Accessibility Policy 02:13:05
    3. Copyright Policy 02:10:00
    4. TBR Letterhead Stationery Guideline G-090
    5. TBR Publications Guideline G-140
  6. The Marketing and Communications Department uses an online work order system that must be submitted for all service requests.
  7. The Tennessee Board of Regents, Chattanooga State Community College’s governing body, requires that certain statements be used on all College print and web publications, including posters, brochures, booklets, magazines, catalogs, advertisements, and other pieces distributed to the public. The Affirmative Action/Equal Employment Opportunity (AA/EEO) statement is required to be included on publications and websites. There are two versions of this statement, one long and one short. Please see Brand Book for Mandatory Statements.
  8. Accreditation statement: Chattanooga State’s accreditation organization is the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC).
    1. To ensure our accreditation status is properly represented to the public, the required SACSCOC accreditation statement must appear in official college publications using the Procedural Guidelines for this policy.
  9. All official marketing videos and photographs of Chattanooga State events, students, faculty, and staff are produced and maintained by Marketing and Communications.
  10. Chattanooga State’s Marketing & Communications Department is responsible for the College’s official social media accounts. Please refer to Social Media Policy 10:04:02 and related Procedural Guidelines.



  1. Procedural Guidelines for Marketing and Communications: https://dailybengal.chattanoogastate.edu/sites/default/files/documents/Marketing%20%26%20Communications%20Procedural%20Guidelines_0.pdf
  2. Marketing Service Request form: https://www.chattanoogastate.edu/our-campus/about/marketing/marketing-service-request
  3. SACSCOC Institutional Obligations for Public Disclosure: http://www.sacscoc.org/pdf/081705/InstitutionalObligationsPublicDisclosure.pdf
  4. Brand Book: https://www.chattanoogastate.edu/our-campus/about/marketing/media-bank  
  5. Website Policy 10:04:01: https://catalog.chattanoogastate.edu/content.php?catoid=5&navoid=357&hl=accessibility&returnto=search
  6. Digital Accessibility Policy 02:13:05: https://catalog.chattanoogastate.edu/content.php?catoid=5&navoid=6063&hl=digital+acces&returnto=search
  7. Copyright Policy 02:10:00: https://catalog.chattanoogastate.edu/content.php?catoid=5&navoid=223&hl=copyright&returnto=search
  8. TBR Letterhead Stationery: Guideline G-090
  9. TBR Publications: Guideline G-140
  10. College Social Media Policy: https://catalog.chattanoogastate.edu/content.php?catoid=5&navoid=6054
  11. Procedural Guidelines for Social Media Policy:https://dailybengal.chattanoogastate.edu/sites/default/files/documents/SOCIAL%20MEDIA%20POLICY_PROCEDURAL%20GUIDELINES%20021419_0.pdf
  12. Technology Responsible Use Policy 08:14:01: https://catalog.chattanoogastate.edu/content.php?catoid=5&navoid=361&hl=logo&returnto=search
  13. IT Acceptable Uses Policy https://policies.tbr.edu/policies/it-acceptable-uses-formerly-g-054


Submitted to Policy Review Committee: June 14, 2019

Submitted to Policy Review Board: July 22, 2019

Approved by Policy Review Board: July 31, 2019