Jul 27, 2024  

Human Resources

06:76:00 Outside Employment/Consulting


  1. This policy is intended to make faculty members and employees aware of disclosure requirements related to outside employment/consulting; describe the process by which those disclosures shall be evaluated and decisions rendered; and describe the appeals process regarding such decisions.
  2. Full-time employment with the college demands an employee’s full-time professional expertise, commitment, and energy. However, the college recognizes the value to its students, personnel, and others when an employee engages in outside consulting and other professional experiences.
  3. Prior to engaging in outside professional employment or continuing business activity, the faculty member, professional staff member, administrator or any employee commissioned through College employment must submit the Request for Authorization for Outside Employment and Continuing Business Activity form. This form is available in Human Resources and should be submitted with the appropriate signatures thirty days prior to the commencement of outside employment. Should a request for authorization be denied, an appeal can be made to the President of Chattanooga State. All decisions or appeals will be finalized during this 30-day period.
  4. The proposed outside professional employment or continuing business activity:
    1. Must not interfere with assigned duties and responsibilities.
    2. Must not constitute a conflict of interest or compete with the education, research, or public service programs of the College.
    3. If involving employment with other agencies, departments, or institutions of State government, including State institutions of higher education or area schools, is subject to the prior approval of the President or director or his or her designee and the appropriate representative of the other agency, department, institution, or school - (dual service).
    4. Must not be undertaken with the claim that the individual is an official representative of Chattanooga State in connection with employment.
    5. May not involve the use of institutional or school equipment, facilities, or services, must have College approval and provide for compensating the College at the rates established by the College.
  5. This policy does not apply to the following: (1) Normal, short term activities such as participation in symposia, accreditation visits, speaking engagements, exhibitions, or recitals, even though honoraria may be received for such participation; or (2) when the individual is not within the term of his or her contract (9- or 12-month) period or is on leave.




Submitted to Policy Review Committee on February 18, 2019

Submitted to Policy Review Board on April 08, 2019

Approved by Policy Review Board on April 24, 2019


See Previous Version(s):

Reviewed and Revised by: Human Resources Department, November, 2000

Approved by Executive Staff, President’s Cabinet, and President, May 20, 2009