Feb 08, 2025  

Business and Finance (Includes Physical Plant)

Shipping and Receiving
05:32:01 Shipping and Receiving


  1. Introduction
    1. Plant Operations, through the shipping and receiving department, provides shipping and receiving services for materials and operational supplies ordered by college staff and departments, in order to support the overall mission of the institution.
  2. Receiving Procedures
    1. Shipping and Receiving must receive all requisitioned supplies, except for airfreight and special delivery to off campus sites. Requests for direct delivery of these items must be made on the original requisition.
    2. Shipping and Receiving should be notified of expected large bulk orders urgent time sensitive deliveries, and any expected packages requiring special handling; i.e. frozen lab supplies.
    3. Obvious damage to the package exterior will be noted on the shipper delivery ticket.
    4. The Receiving Department can not accept personal packages.
    5. Complimentary packages should be identified as such and should be addressed with the name of the intended recipient.
    6. All packages must contain the ordering person or department’s name and purchase order number on the label. It is the responsibility of the ordering department to insure vendors place this information on every package. The purpose of this requirement is two-fold: First, this information will allow for the fastest means of delivery. Second, for security purposes this information is essential to have in order to more readily detect packages that may contain harmful materials. Failure to have this information on the label will result in the refusal of the package.
    7. Following these simple guidelines should insure prompt delivery, usually 1 or 2 days except for times following heavy ordering around graduation, beginning of semesters, and just before and after new budgets take effect.
  3. Delivery Procedures
    1. Packages delivered to occupied offices must be signed for on the delivery log sheet.
    2. Packages will be delivered to unoccupied offices if the area is secure. Such deliveries will be so noted on the log sheet by the delivery person.
    3. Shipping and Receiving will not inspect contents of packages. It is the responsibility of the ordering party to inspect packages for correctness and completeness.
    4. Copy of invoice will be forwarded to department for approval to pay.
    5. Shipping and Receiving can not assemble items. Any assembly must be requested by written work order to Plant Operations.
    6. Shipping and Receiving will not move items in a room to accommodate new equipment, nor will they uncrate delivered items. These tasks must be requested by written work order to Plant Operations.
  4. Shipping
    1. Shipping and Receiving handles shipping of truck freight items only.
    2. Mail services handles U.P.S. package shipping and returns.
    3. For a truck ship item, Shipping and Receiving will call the truck line to arrange for pickup and complete all necessary paperwork.
  5. Work Schedules
    1. Shipping and Receiving normal workdays are Monday through Friday 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. except for holidays.
  6. Location
    1. Shipping and Receiving is located on the west end of the Central Storage Building, which is the building just west of the Greenhouse.

Approved: Executive Staff, 05/20/09
Approved: President’s Cabinet, 05/20/09
Approved: President, 05/20/09
Revised: Business and Finance, January 28, 2009