Feb 08, 2025  

Business and Finance (Includes Physical Plant)

04:23:01 Payroll Time Cards and Contracts
  1. Temporary Employees
    1. The supervisor must submit a signed Request for Temporary  Employees form a minimum  of two weeks prior to hiring a new employee. This form then goes to the appropriate Vice President,Executive  Vice President of Business and Finance,Executive Director of Human Resources and the President for approval. If the request is for less than 60 days no additional contract is necessary. If the request is for more than 60 days Human Resources must complete a temporary  contract  to be signed by the appropriate  Vice President and the employee.  The employee will be contacted by Human Resources to sign the contract.
    2. The employee must complete and submit an electronic timesheet  of all hours worked. After approval, the supervisor will submit the electronic timesheet to the Payroll Office by the 15th of each month. An electronic timesheet will cover work completed from the 16th of the previous month through the 15th of the current month. An electronic timesheet  will not be issued by Payroll until all signed paperwork  including contract  is received in the Payroll Office.  This process can take more than two weeks, so paperwork must be submitted  prior to employee  working.  The Web Time Entry Electronic Timesheet can only be set up once all paperwork  is received.  The system is not designed to backdate prior to the 16th of the previous month.
  2. Federal Work Study and Institutional Student Work
    1. The electronic timesheet for all student employees must be approved by the supervisor and submitted to the Financial Aid Office for certification to pay by the 15th of each month.   Again, students will not have electronic timesheets to complete if all signed paperwork  has not been received by the Payroll Office.
    2. The Financial Aid Office will verify all submitted  student electronic timesheets and either approve or return to the supervisor for correction. All student timesheets must be corrected and approved  by the Financial Aid Office for submission to the Payroll Office by the 15th of each month.
  3. Adjunct Faculty
    1. Contracts for adjunct faculty are entered into the Faculty Load and Compensation Forms by secretaries to the Academic Deans. All necessary information such as credit hours, rates of pay, dates to be paid, etc. is included in the contract. All adjuncts are notified  by the individual departments  when the contracts are ready for electronic acknowledgement.   The Payroll Office will process all electronically acknowledged contracts in time for the first payment.
    2. An excel spreadsheet of all adjuncts, classes,credit hours and rates of pay, which has been signed by the Division Dean,is submitted to the Vice President of Academic Affairs.  The Vice President of Academic Affairs will sign each spreadsheet,and a signed copy will be submitted to the Payroll Office at the beginning  of each semester.
    3. Any contracts which are cancelled after Payroll has imported the information into the Banner System, will require a written  notification to the Payroll Office from the appropriate Dean requesting cancellation.


Submitted to Policy Review Committee on June 14, 2019

Submitted to Policy Review Board on July 22, 2019

Approved by Policy Review Board on July 31, 2019


See Previous Version(s):

Source: Revision submitted to the Policy Review Board on November 10, 2017 

Revision approved by the Policy Review Board on November 29, 2017 

Source: Revision approved by Business and Finance on January 28, 2009

Revision approved by Executive Staff, President’s Cabinet, and President on May 20, 2009