05:22:00 Relocation and Renovation Procedures
- Moves can generally be divided into three categories or combinations of these categories:
- Moves of furniture/people within an area.
- Moves of furniture/people from one area or building to another.
- Moves, including labs and classrooms, which involve construction or modification to the physical space and/or support systems. This category involves obtaining TBR approval and oftentimes an architect must be contracted in order to design the changes or additions to insure that all applicable building codes are met.
- On most all moves one or more of the following must be considered: carpet/flooring, paint, communications outlets, electrical requirements, lighting, plumbing, ADA requirements, locks and keys, HVAC, and furniture and equipment procurement and placement.
- To insure a successful move and/or renovation, please do the following:
- Discuss the project and obtain the approval of your Vice President before any other action is taken.
- Once you obtain the approval of your Vice President, please contact Plant Operations and the Computer Center and arrange for a meeting to determine the feasibility of the requested move. Information needed at this meeting may include but not be limited to: the number of people moving, the size of the area involved, the area to move from and the area to move to, a sketch of the desired new area design, and any special needs such as electrical, HVAC, plumbing, etc.
- Using the information collected in the meeting, a cost estimate of the move and/or renovation will be provided by Plant Operations. Money needed for any renovation should be requested and approved for the current fiscal year during the annual budget cycle for the College. Any changes to the renovation request will require re-estimation of the cost and possible delay of the project.
- Discuss the cost with your Vice-President to determine if the project should continue.
- Once the decision to continue is made you should initiate a Plant Operations Work Request and a Computer Services Request as far in advance as possible.
- Moves and renovations must be scheduled by Plant Operations due to existing work and prior commitments.
- Extensive or involved renovations may require several meetings in order to finalize specifications for the bid process. Some or all of the renovation may be contracted out depending on the time factor and Plant Operations’ work load.
- Prior to relocating, a meeting with Plant Operations should be scheduled in order to go over the specifics of the move. Two employees from the department being moved need to attend so there is a backup contact.
- The person moving will need to do the following prior to a move:
- The contents of all bookshelves, file cabinets and desk drawers that cannot be removed must be packed in boxes and ready for transport.
- If building to building transport is required, all contents of all desks and cabinets must be removed and packed in boxes.
- The owner should transport fragile and delicate items, as Plant Operations will not be responsible for loss or damage.
- All boxes should be taped, closed and marked with the name of owner and the location of the new area to be moved to.
- The boxes should not be extremely large or weigh more than 25 lbs. Boxes can be obtained from Plant Operations with advanced notice.
- Any items to go to storage or to stay in place should be marked. Items bound for surplus must have an Equipment Inventory Adjustment Sheet completed for any item that has an inventory tag. An Equipment Inventory Adjustment Sheet needs to be completed for all items bound for surplus and the sheet must be attached to a work order. Old technology equipment will need to go through Education technology.
- Furniture to be moved should have its new destination taped to the top surface. On the day of the move a person that is familiar with the new area set-up and furniture placement should be available. Plant Operations will not return to relocate furniture or equipment once it is placed in the new area. Failure to abide by the above requirements will result in delays in the move until the requirements are completed.
- Any person who is to move must complete an Authorization for Building Key Request Form for the area they are to move to. All keys to previously occupied areas must be turned into Plant Operations unless a need for access to that area continues. Keys must not be swapped or exchanged between employees.
- Notify the Call Center, Mail Services, Shipping and Receiving, and the campus directory service in Marketing of your new location. Arrange for temporary, directional signage to be installed in strategic locations to provide guidance to the campus communit
Submitted to Policy Review Committee on February 10, 2020
Submitted to Policy Review Board on March 6, 2020
Approved by Policy Review Board on April 8, 2020
See Previous Version(s):
Reviewed and revised by the Business and Finance division on January 28, 2009
Approved by Executive Staff, President’s Cabinet, and President, May 20, 2009