05:18:00 Keys and Locking Systems
- Introduction
- There is an institutional commitment for faculty and staff to have convenient access, when needed, to all work areas with as little restriction as possible. The maintenance of all locking systems and control of keys is necessary to maintain appropriate security and safety measures to safeguard college buildings, equipment and other facilities. All locking devices and keys are the responsibility of the Executive Director of Plant Operations, who will keep an active and comprehensive key control program in place. The authorization for and use of keys are the responsibility of the department head or administrator for each applicable unit. This applies to all off campus sites that utilize the campus standard key system. It does not apply to any desks or other furniture, safes, lockers, or special storage units that are not equipped with the standard locks.
- Individual Key Users Responsibility
- Employees issued college keys are required to safeguard these keys against loss or theft. Keys should not be left on desks, in doors, or other unattended areas. Campus access is a privilege. Employees must notify Plant Operations in the event of:
- Lost keys - If a key is lost or stolen, it is the responsibility of the individual who lost the key to notify Campus Police immediately to complete a lost key report. Individuals who lose keys may be held responsible for the cost of re-keying the affected area.
- Relocation - If an employee changes offices or relocates their work space, it is the responsibility of that person to notify Plant Operations before the change takes place via a work request and with the permission of the Executive Vice President of Business and Finance. A properly executed Authorization for Building Keys Form must be sent to Plant Operations for access to the new work space. Plant Operations will then collect and/or issue keys as needed and log any changes in the key database.
- Contractors / Vendors Requiring Access - If a department or employee has a need to give access to a 3rd party contractor or vendor, that department or employee must:
- Obtain the written approval of the Executive Vice President of Business and Finance on an Authorization for Building Keys Form.
- Issue the key(s) to the 3rd party at the start of each day and collect the key(s) at the end of each day until the assignment is over. Exceptions to this must be approved by the Executive Vice President of Business and Finance on an Authorization for Building Keys Form.
- 3rd party contractors or vendors are not authorized to take keys off Chattanooga State Community college property for any reason. 3rd party contractors or vendors that lose any key(s) issued to them may be held responsible for the rekeying of the affected area. Access for 3rd party contractors shall be temporary lasting no longer than 1 week.
- Obtaining Keys
- Keys will be issued to regular employees and are non-transferable. As a general rule, temporary employees will not be issued keys. Exceptions to this rule will require vice-presidential approval. When an employee requires access to an area, they are to initiate a written Authorization for Building Keys Form (Link to Form) stating the building and room where access is desired. Once the appropriate supervisor has approved the request by signing the form it is forwarded to Plant Operations. Master keys require vice-presidential approval. When the key is fabricated, Plant Operations will notify the department so the recipient may come to Plant Operations to be issued the key. All keys must be signed for by the recipient.
- Returning Keys
- Individuals returning keys must bring them to Plant Operations during normal working hours at which time returned keys will be removed from their record. Keys should not be sent through the campus mail.
- In the event of an unscheduled termination, Human Resources will be responsible for the collection of keys and deliver said keys to Plant Operations no less than 24 hours from the time of collection.
- Locking Devices
- There shall be no locking devices independent of the College system attached or installed on College doors.
- Special Security Locking Systems
- A department head may identify an area in their department that requires a higher than usual level of security due to equipment sensitivity or concentration of costly equipment. This area, upon approval of the Executive Vice-President of Business and Finance, can be keyed to a system separate from the master system. The conditions of this approval are as follows:
- The department forgoes routine maintenance such as light bulb replacement or regular cleaning and must arrange by work order these services.
- The area identified must not interfere with routes of egress necessary in the event of building emergencies.
- The area must not contain any physical plant equipment or controls that require access by Plant Operations personnel.
- Special Security Alarm Systems
- A department head may identify an area in their department that may require an alarm system in order to further secure costly or sensitive equipment. Upon approval of the Executive Vice-President of Business and Finance, an alarm system can be insta
Submitted to Policy Review Committee on June 14, 2019
Submitted to Policy Review Board on July 22, 2019
Approved by Policy Review Board on July 31, 2019
See Previous Version(s):
Source: Revision submitted to the Policy Review Board on November 10, 2017
Revision approved by the Policy Review Board on November 29, 2017
Source: Revision approved by Business and Finance on January 28, 2009
Revision approved by Executive Staff, President’s Cabinet, and President on May 20, 2009