Apr 18, 2024  

Academic Affairs

02:40:00 Sale of Surplus (complimentary) Textbooks


  1. Complimentary textbooks, instructional materials, and equipment provided to faculty fall under the TBR definition of “Surplus Personal Property”, property that has been determined by the president to be outmoded, obsolete, or unusable by the institution.
  2. Surplus Personal Property may be either usable property that shall be transferred or sold, or unusable property that may be destroyed. The Business Office sells all surplus institutional property; the institution must receive the proceeds.
  3. The institution or school shall follow the procedures described in Section II(c) of TBR Policy No. 4:02:20:00, prior to disposal of all other surplus personal property. Methods for disposal of articles of personal property include the following:
    1. Trade-in, where such is permitted due to the nature of the property or equipment and subject to the provisions of T.C.A. Section 12-2-403 and the rules of Policy No. 4:02:20:00. 
    2. Sale or donation to other institutions and schools within the State Board of Regents system.
    3. Sale or donation to other state agencies.
    4. Sale to eligible political subdivisions of the state and other governmental entities.
    5. Public auction, publicly advertised and held.
    6. Sale under sealed bids, publicly advertised, opened and recorded.
    7. Negotiated contract for sale, at arm’s length; but only in those instances in which the availability of the property is recurring or repetitive in character, such as marketable waste products.
    8. Disposition through the Department of General Services as provided in the Department Rules and Regulations.
    9. Sale or donations to a public school or public school system.
    10. Sale by Internet auction.

Submitted to Policy Review Committee on February 21, 2022

Submitted to Policy Review Board on March 28, 2022

Approved by the Policy Review Board on April 13, 2022


Previous version:

Approved: Executive Staff, 05/20/09
Approved: President’s Cabinet, 05/20/09
Approved: President, 05/20/09
Reviewed and Revised by: Academic Affairs, 03/20/09