Jul 27, 2024  

Academic Affairs

Curriculum Committee
02:13:00 Curriculum Committee


  1. The purpose of this policy is to establish the procedures and processes for the Curriculum Committee.
  1. Curriculum Committee
    1. The Curriculum Committee is a Faculty Senate Committee that approves and recommends new policies or courses of action related to educational programs; reviews new curricula, new programs, or substantive changes in existing curricula and programs; and supports and monitors the curriculum development system.
    2. The Curriculum Committee reviews all proposals from Academic Affairs and the Technical College.
  1. General Guidelines
    1. The charge of the committee is to ensure that Chattanooga State’s programs and courses meet the needs of students, the local community, and business and industry. The committee will recommend action as needed to improve specific components of the curriculum; appoint subcommittees and coordinate and communicate their activities as needed; and communicate the results of the committee’s efforts to administration, for approval and implementation.
  1. Proposals and Curriculum Changes
    1. New curriculum, program, and certificate proposals and program modification proposals must follow Tennessee Board of Regent’s policies regarding Degree Program Addition, Technical Certificate of Credit, Concentration, and Program Modification. Complete proposals should be submitted to the Chair of the Curriculum Committee by the academic department head and/or dean. The department head or other knowledgeable person must attend the committee meeting in which the proposal is discussed.
    2. For adding a new course; deleting or deactivating a course; changing an existing program or curriculum; changing course credit hours, and lecture-lab distributions; changing course descriptions; course prefixes, numbers, and titles; and changing pre- or co-requisites, the procedures described in Chattanooga State Academic Affairs Policy Manual, Credit Course - Addition/Deletion/Modification, (02.12.02) must be followed.
    3. To ensure compliance with SACSCOC Principles of Accreditation, the Vice President for Academic Affairs will delegate a voting member to the committee to review all proposals.
    4. Curriculum Forms and packet materials can be obtained in the Curriculum Committee’s website housed in the Curriculog system.


04/11/2018:  Approved by Chattanooga State Policy Review Board

Source: Approved Executive Staff, President’s Cabinet, and President, August 21, 2000.

Revised March, 2009

See Appendix for the Committee’s forms and detailed description from the Faculty Senate Constitution. Curriculum Forms and packet materials can be obtained on Chattanooga State’s website. Go to Tigerweb/Groups/Curriculum Committee/Files

Source: TBR Guideline A-010

Approved: Executive Staff, 05/20/09
Approved: President’s Cabinet, 05/20/09
Approved: President, 05/20/09
Reviewed and Revised by: Academic Affairs, 03/20/09