Feb 08, 2025
Academic Affairs
02:12:00 Course Substitutions
- The purpose of this policy is to set forth the guidelines for students wanting to substitute courses.
- Course Substitutions
- Only under unavoidable and exceptional circumstances will the College permit substitution for or exemption from the prescribed curriculum. The student should talk with his/her advisor to request a course substitution form. All requests for course substitutions must be in writing, stating the reason for such a request. The student’s advisor, the appropriate department head and dean, and the Vice President for Academic Affairs must approve course substitutions. Should the course substitution not be approved, the student’s advisor will inform the student. No course substitutions are allowed for Tennessee Transfer Pathways (TTP) degrees.
- Receiving an unsatisfactory grade in a course is not an acceptable reason for a course substitution. (See College Catalog for additional information). Note: A “D” grade may be acceptable in some courses; however, the receiving college may not accept the coursework.
- In exceptional circumstances, academic affairs personnel may request blanket substitutions when deemed appropriate. All requests must involve the respective full time faculty, department heads, deans and the appropriate personnel in Records. Once approved, the blanket substitution must be sent to the full Curriculum Committee as an informational item.
Submitted to Policy Review Committee on September 16, 2019
Submitted to Policy Review Board on October 21, 2019
Approved by Policy Review Board on October 30, 2019
See Previous Version(s):
Source: CSTCC 2000-2001 catalog and V. P. Academic Affairs
Reviewed and Revised by: Academic Affairs, 03/20/09
Original Approved by Executive Staff and President’s Cabinet, 05/20/09