Jan 02, 2025  

Administrative Organization

01:06:00 Associations, Cabinets, Councils and Committees
  1. Introduction
    1. This policy pertains to the College’s standing associations, cabinets, councils and committees that serve to promote the shared governance model of the College.
      1. An association is an organization that represents all employees of a particular classification category or interest group. Membership is automatic for individuals who fit the category.
      2. A cabinet or council is a group elected or appointed to serve in an advisory, administrative, or governing capacity.
      3. The College also maintains standing committees that serve to meet specific, ongoing needs of the College.
      4. All groups addressed in this policy will develop a charter, establishing purpose and operational guidelines. Each group’s membership, charter and all meeting minutes will be published electronically and available to the College community when doing so does not breach confidentiality.
      5. This policy does not preclude task forces, search committees, or other ad hoc groups from forming to address the needs of the College.
      6. The College strives to maintain diversity that is representative of the campus community in all standing associations, cabinets, councils and committees.
  2. Associations, Cabinets, Councils and Committees in place at Chattanooga State.
    1. Advising Committee - Faculty Senate:  The Advising Committee oversees and supports the advising process by reviewing and evaluating the advising process, recommending advising procedures, student orientation and faculty training procedures, assisting in coordinating division training sessions, and making written recommendations to the director of advising (or the individual overseeing Advising for the campus), the vice president of Student Affairs, the vice president of Academic Affairs, and the College president.  Membership consists of one or more faculty members from each division, one representative from the deans’ council, one representative from Student Affairs, one representative from clerical support and one ex-officio member from Advising; these members serve a term of three years.
    2. Alumni Association - College Advancement and Public Relations:  The Alumni Association fosters a lifelong relationship between the College and its alumni to support the College in advancing its mission, to serve the needs of the alumni community, and to offer resources for current students. This committee is composed of five elected officers: President, president-elect, secretary, treasurer, alumni outreach and marketing as well as the vice president of College Advancement and Public Relations (ex-officio), and up to six at large members, two of whom shall be the immediate past president of the Association and the president of the College, governed by the board of directors. Officers serve a two-year term, with possible renewal of an additional two years. At large members serve three-year terms with possible renewal of an additional three years. The alumni association meets a minimum of four times per year. Standing committees are: Nominating Committee, Fundraising Committee, and Marketing and Engagement Committee.
    3. Assessment in the Major (AIM) Committees -  Institutional Effectiveness, Research, Planning (IERP):  The Assessment in the Major (AIM) Committees are faculty-led assessment teams that with the coordination of the office of Institutional Effectiveness, Research, and Planning, administer the assessment plan for an Institutional Student Learning Outcome (ISLO).The ISLO assessment plan typically involves the evaluation of authentic student artifacts using a standardized instrument such as an appropriate AAC&U VALUE Rubric. AIM Team Members are voluntary but typically serve two-year cycles in order to participate in a complete cycle of the assessment and improvement process.
    4. Banner Steering Committee - Information Services:  The Banner Steering Committee provides overall Banner guidance and support for business organizations and the College as a whole. This committee will be responsible for ensuring Banner is fully tested before changes are made in the production environment. Any major Banner operational upgrades, changes or suggested process improvements will be discussed and agreed to by the committee before it is implemented. Each vice president selects members to represent their respective divisions.The vice president of Technology chairs the committee. Members serve as long as their job functions remain unchanged.
    5. Behavior Intervention Team (BIT) - Student Affairs:  The Behavior Intervention Team (BIT) engages in proactive and collaborative approaches to detect patterns, trends, and disturbances in individual or group behavior.Upon assessment, the BIT makes recommendations to mitigate associated risk via an established protocol.Committee members are appointed by specific position and serve until the position is vacated
    6. Calendar Committee - Academic Affairs:  The Calendar Committee establishes the academic calendar for the College, in accordance with the common calendar established by the Tennessee Board of Regents (TBR). The calendar will contain as a minimum the following: the period of registration, the beginning of classes, the last dates to add and drop courses, holidays, the last date to withdraw from the College, dates for applications for degrees, the period of final examinations, and the commencement date. The committee membership is chaired by a representative from Academic Affairs and includes representatives from Records, Admissions, Bursars Office, Financial Aid, Academic Divisions, Tennessee College of Applied Technology (TCAT) at Chattanooga State, and Technology.
    7. C.A.R.E. Advisory Committee - Faculty Senate:  The mission of the Center for Academic Research and Excellence (C.A.R.E.) is to create a community of educators and learners who work together to improve their understanding of student learning, to share that understanding with others, and to enhance the learning environment. C.A.R.E. provides a forum for the scholarship of teaching and learning through numerous grants and professional development opportunities.Advisory board membership consists of a faculty member from each division, one Student Affairs staff member, one academic dean, department head or director, one High-Impact Practices specialist, one community or university stakeholder, one library staff member, and ex-officio members to include representatives from Academic Affairs (vice president or designee), Academic Resources Center, and Institutional Effectiveness and Research.
    8. Chattanooga State Community College Foundation - College Advancement and Public Relations:  The Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation whose exclusive purpose is to benefit, perform the functions of, and carry out the purposes of the College. This committee is composed of a president/chair, secretary, vice-chair/chair-elect including a board of directors consisting of no fewer than three and no more than 18 individuals of legal age. Directors serve a term of three years and no more than two consecutive three-year terms. Sub committees include Executive Committee and Investment Committee, with other committees appointed as necessary.
    9. Commencement Committee - Student Affairs:  The Commencement Committee oversees all aspects of the credit division commencement process.All members serve ex officio, so all members serve as long as they hold their respective positions.In the case of positions with multiple incumbents (such as the dean representative), existing members may arrange to hand over their membership to another individual holding an equivalent position.
    10. Conflict of Interest Committee - Human Resources:  The Conflict of Interest Committee reviews faculty and employee disclosures made under Section 8 of TBR Policy No. 1:02:03:10 Conflict of Interest. The committee evaluates conflict of interest disclosures and makes determinations regarding actions that may be required to manage, reduce or eliminate conflicts of interest. Members of this committee are appointed by position and consist of all members of the President’s Cabinet excluding the president, the presidents of the Faculty Senate, Support Staff and Professional Staff, and the director of Internal Audit or their designees. The director of Internal Audit will serve as a non-voting advisor to the Committee.
    11. Curriculum Committee - Faculty Senate Committee:  The Curriculum Committee will supervise the development of academic curricula in accordance with campus policies and operations, the needs of our students and community, TBR policies and guidelines, and Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC) Principles of Accreditation.Faculty Curriculum Committee members are decided upon by faculty members within each division. A Chair-select is voted on by the committee, and serves as Chair the following year. Ex-officio members are assigned according to specialized knowledge that is necessary for appropriate committee input, as related to campus operations.The term of office for both voting faculty members and ex-officio members is three (3) academic years, to begin at the first fall semester meeting.
    12. Data Governance Committee (DGC) - Institutional Effectiveness, Research, & Planning (IERP):  The purpose of the Data Governance Committee (DGC) is to develop, support, and enforce data policies and processes that address the institutional need for data accuracy, consistency, integrity, and accessibility. The committee chairperson is appointed by the president and all other non-permanent members are appointed by the vice presidents.Committee membership will be reviewed every two years and adjusted as appropriate.Permanent members include ex-officio executive leadership roles in the area of Institutional Effectiveness, Research, and Planning and in the division of Technology.
    13. Deans Council - Academic Affairs:  The Deans Council is a forum for the administration of Academic Affairs to meet on a regular basis.The purpose of the council includes effectively conveying information from the administration to the academic divisions, bringing the concerns of the faculty and staff throughout Academic Affairs to the administration, providing collective opportunities for problem solving, and developing both short-term and long-term goals for Academic Affairs.The Deans Council membership includes the vice president for Academic Affairs (chair), the associate vice-president for Academic Affairs, and all deans in Academic Affairs and TCAT.
    14. Dinner of Firsts Committee - College Advancement and Public Relations:  The Dinner of Firsts committee is a standing committee responsible for raising scholarship funds to support first generation college students through this annual event. The honoree must be a first-time college student from his or her own family. This committee is composed of an event chair, six-to-eight roasters, and 10-18 volunteers who perform a wide variety of duties to make this event successful.
    15. Disciplinary Hearing Board - Student Affairs:  The Disciplinary Hearing Board serves as the College’s official body to adjudicate alleged code of conduct violations should a student elect to have a hearing.The Office of Student Conduct selects the members from the larger Judicial Committee as follows: Four faculty or staff, two currently enrolled students, and one Student Government Assn. (SGA) representative (typically the chief justice).The president or designee chooses the committee chairperson.The term of membership constitutes the duration of the hearing for which the committee members are selected.
    16. Employee Excellence Awards Selection Committee - Chattanooga State Foundation: The Employee Excellence Selection Committee meets to review up to three final nominations per category for the following four awards: Professional Staff Excellence; Support Staff Excellence; Teaching Excellence, Community College; and Teaching Excellence, TCAT.  Committee membership includes the presidents of the Faculty Senate, Professional Staff Association and the Support Staff Association (or an appointed representative of each); the previous year’s Excellence Award Winners; and one presiding Foundation Board Member (this person varies year to year).
    17. Executive Staff - President’s office:  Executive Staff meets monthly to allow a forum for sharing information and discussing items of interest to the College community.Executive Staff is chaired by the president and membership is determined by positions recommended by each vice president or executive director.Membership ends upon the member vacating the position.
    18. Faculty Appeals Committee - Faculty Senate:  The Faculty Appeals Committee will hear, review, evaluate, and make recommendations concerning faculty appeals regarding issues such as promotion, tenure, faculty evaluation, and disciplinary action.Membership includes one or more tenured and fully promoted faculty member from each academic division.
    19. Faculty Senate - Academic Affairs:  The Faculty Senate provides a forum for the building and expression of the consensus of its members in situations of interest and/or concern to the faculty.The Faculty Senate shall take an active and meaningful role in the shared governance of the College, generating proposals as well as reacting to initiatives from other parts of the campus community.It shall report directly to the college president.Membership includes all full-time personnel whose major responsibility is teaching, advising, and evaluating students in classrooms, laboratories, and individual conferences.
    20. Faculty Sick Leave Bank Committee- Human Resources:  In accordance with TBR policy 5:01:01:00 and following TRB guideline P‐060, a Faculty Sick Leave Bank was established in January 1991 to provide additional sick leave to members who due to serious illness or injury have exhausted all personal sick leave and annual leave.Participation in the sick leave bank is available to regular full‐time employees who hold faculty rank and have accumulated enough leave for the initial assessment.Employees with pre‐existing illnesses are eligible for enrollment, but participation is restricted to a maximum number of hours withdrawn due to a reoccurrence or a pre‐existing condition.The president appoints five trustees consisting of a minimum of three faculty members who devote a majority of their time to classroom instruction.The remaining trustees may be members of the administrative staff.Current trustees are eligible for reappointment.Any trustee vacancy resulting from discontinuation of employment, retirement, death, resignation, or removal by the president shall be filled immediately by appointment by the president.A chairperson may be elected by the trustees, with a term is five years.
    21. Fellows Selection Committee - Faculty Senate:  Established by the Chattanooga State Foundation, the Chattanooga State Fellows provide professional encouragement and support to the Chattanooga State faculty and staff. It is the responsibility of the Fellows Selection Committee to review, evaluate, and administer fellowships that meet the purposes and objectives of the Chattanooga State Fellows Program.The committee includes three faculty members and one representative from the College community.Ex-officio members include the Foundation liaison (or a representative designated by the liaison or by the Foundation) and the college president.
    22. Focus on Completion (FoC) - Campus Wide:  Chattanooga State’s Focus on Completion is an umbrella group formed from the College’s Achieving the Dream (ATD) initiative and the Title III Strengthening Institutions Program (SIP) grant, whose goal is to improve student success, retention and completion rates.FoC’s core team members serve in this capacity for the duration of the projects and are comprised of the chairpersons from each of the following ad hoc committees: Academic Maps Committee; Communications Committee; Data Team Committee; Equity Team Committee; High School Programs Committee; Proactive Advising and Coaching Committee; QEP Steering (Advising) Committee; Supportive Services Committee; and Teaching and Learning Committee.
    23. General Education Committee - Faculty Senate:  The General Education Committee articulates the Institutional Student Learning Outcomes (ISLOs) for the College and monitors the academic quality and content of the general education curriculum. The committee will initiate strategies that promote rigor, integrity and innovation in the General Education Program. The General Education Committee makes recommendations to the Curriculum Committee regarding new general education credit courses and programs; changes to existing general education courses and programs; and guidelines and criteria for the development of new general education courses and programs. Membership of this committee consists of a fully promoted and tenured faculty chairperson, the executive director of Institutional Effectiveness, Research and Planning, and one fully promoted and tenured faculty member from each academic division who teaches general education courses, and a student representative.
    24. Green Team Committee - Campus Wide:  The Green Team committee works to ensure a healthy and habitable campus community.Through educational and sustainability practices, the committee aims to reduce energy, water, and materials consumption, while continuing to further progress in being a sustainable campus. The Green Team Committee is chaired by the executive director of Plant Operations and Facilities Planning.The membership is composed of faculty, staff and students in the campus community.Membership in the Green Team is voluntary.
    25. Hats Off to Excellence Selection Committee - Student Affairs:  The Hats Off to Excellence Selection Committee oversees the annual student academic and campus clubs and organizations award program that includes the recognition of club advisor of the year award and reviews and revises award criteria.Committee members are appointed by specific position and members serve as long as they hold their respective positions.
    26. High-Impact Practices (HIP) Advisory Committee - Academic Affairs:  The High-Impact Practices Advisory Committee will review, recommend, and distribute standards and procedures pertaining to the HIP curriculum and initiatives in collaboration with the HIP Specialist.The HIP Advisory Committee is co-chaired by the HIP specialist and a chair.The chair elect is appointed from among the faculty members on the committee and is responsible for conducting meetings in absence of the chair.The chair elect assists the chair with distribution of materials, and performs other duties as needed.Five to six High-Impact Practices master faculty are selected annually by C.A.R.E. or the director of C.A.R.E. to serve on the committee, as well as two faculty members at-large and ex-officio members such as the vice president of Academic Affairs, the director of Records (or a designated representative), and the individual responsible for changes to the College Catalog.
    27. Honors Advisory Committee - Academic Affairs:  The Honors Advisory Committee will develop, recommend, and distribute standards and procedures pertaining to the Honors Program curriculum and activities.The program has a standing committee or council of faculty members that works with the director or other administrative officer and is involved in honors curriculum, governance, policy, development, and evaluation deliberations. The composition of the committee represents the colleges and/or departments served by the program and elicits support for the program from across the campus. The committee is comprised of one Honors Program chair, one faculty representative from each of the academic areas of the College, and one student representative from the Global Scholars honors program.
    28. Human Resources Administration Committee - Human Resources:  The Human Resources Administration Committee considers, reviews, and/or develops policies and make recommendations governing employees and organizational design of Chattanooga State Community College.Topics addressed by this committee include classification and compensation, employee benefits, employee relations and engagement, strategic recruitment and selection, organizational improvement and design, and litigation and risk management. The Human Resources Administration Committee shall be chaired by the executive director of Human Resources (ex-officio). It shall be composed of not more than six members of the College.Members shall represent a cross-section of the College community.Standing members include: Institutional Effectiveness, Research and Planning (appointed); Business and Finance (appointed); Academic Affairs (appointed); and three selected at-large members.
    29. Institutional Review Board (IRB) - Institutional Effectiveness, Research, & Planning (IERP):  The Institutional Review Board (IRB) approves all research efforts, prior to execution,that utilize College faculty, staff, or students as subjects, or data about the same in order to protect the rights of human subjects who participate in a research project.The ex-officio chairperson of the IRB is the executive director of Institutional Effectiveness, Research, and Planning, and ex-officio members include the dean of Academic Assessment, Accreditation, and Compliance, and the director of Records.When determined appropriate by the chair, an ad hoc faculty member may be appointed to the IRB by the dean of an academic division or the vice president for Academic Affairs.
    30. International Education Committee - Student Affairs:  The International Education Committee serves as the oversight committee for the international fee that provides funding for campus globalization activities, study abroad/study away programs, and global outreach. The committee uses the Institutional Student Learning Outcome (ISLO) of Global and Cultural Awareness as a guiding principle.Subcommittees are International Programming Committee and Study Abroad Committee. Committee members are selected by recommendations of the director of International Student Services and include faculty teaching TnCIS summer programs and partnership programs, a student representative (previous study abroad student), and Student Government Association representation.
    31. Judicial Committee - Student Affairs:  The Judicial Committee is comprised of a trained group of faculty, staff and students from which a disciplinary hearing board can be formed.Members are recruited by the Office of Student Conduct, or volunteer.Members are faculty, staff and students, in addition to one representative from the Student Government Association.
    32. Lead Involvement Team - Student Affairs:  The Lead Involvement Team is responsible for bringing a diverse selection of social, educational, recreational, and cultural events to Chattanooga State, by seeking input from the student body, working collaboratively with departments and campus clubs and organizations. The Lead Involvement Team constitution governs membership and term of membership.
    33. Marketing/Recruiting Committee - Marketing and Recruiting:  The Marketing/Recruiting Committee is a standing committee that discusses recent enrollment campaigns to determine performance, brainstorms ideas for future campaigns, and assists in the promotion of special programs or events. Committee members are composed of marketing and communications and recruiting and orientation team members, chaired by the vice president of College Advancement and Public Relations. Special guests are invited, as discussions require.
    34. New Student Orientation Committee - Student Affairs:  The New Student Orientation Committee assists with the logistics and planning for new student orientation.The committee is comprised of representatives from Student Affairs, Academic Affairs, Business and Finance, and IT Services. Members are selected by their respective positions and serve an unlimited term.
    35. Non-Faculty Sick Leave Bank Committee - Human Resources:  The Non-Faculty Sick Leave Bank provides an additional resource for pay when illness prevents a member from being able to work.Participation in the bank is offered to all non-faculty staff members and is voluntary.Members are appointed by the president and officers are elected from appointed Committee members.The chairperson and trustees are eligible for reappointment as long as they are employed and wish to serve.Meetings are called when applications for the bank cannot be handled by email or when discussion of the committee is required.
    36. Policy Review Board - College Wide:  The Policy Review Board is the second and final level of the policy review process. Members of this Board review and vote on the actions taken by the Policy Review Committee. The Policy Review Board members are determined by position and is comprised of all vice presidents and executive vice presidents, the executive director of Human Resources, The executive director of Institutional Effectiveness, Research and Planning, the Faculty Senate president, The Professional Staff Association president, the Support Staff president, the Student Government president and the dean of Accreditation, Assessment and Compliance.
    37. Policy Review Committee - College Wide:  The Policy Review Committee reviews and provides suggested changes to Chattanooga State policies. This committee disseminates policies to the College community for input. All committee members are tasked with discussing policy changes with their respective divisions. The committee is responsible for making changes based on provided information and then sending policies for final approval to the Policy Review Board. The committee is comprised of one faculty member from each academic division, one staff member from each administrative divisions, and one student representative, for a total of 15 members. The chair of the committee is appointed by the College president. Members of this committee serve two-year terms.
    38. President’s Cabinet - President’s Office:  The President’s Cabinet meets weekly to advise the President on matters relating to the duties of each member’s respective office. The Cabinet is chaired by the College president and membership is limited to those in senior positions reporting  directly to the President.  Membership ends upon the member vacating the position.
    39. Professional Staff Association - Campus Wide:  The Professional Staff Association (PSA) provides a forum for the building and expression of the consensus of its members in situations of interest and/or concern to professional staff.The PSA takes an active and meaningful role in the campus community. Membership includes all full-time and regular part-time College personnel who are in the professional or non-faculty category.Officers are the president, president-elect, secretary/treasurer, and the communications liaison.Officers are elected for a one-year term starting July 1. PSA sub committees are Professional Development, Personnel Policies, and Social Activities.
    40. Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) Appeals Committee - Financial Aid:  The SAP Appeals Committee evaluates appeals submitted throughout each award year by students failing to meet one or more of the Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) guidelines as detailed on the Chattanooga State website and in the Policies & Procedures Manual for the Financial Aid Office (FAO). The committee determines if criteria is met to reinstate Title IV (federal) aid eligibility. The SAP appeals committee is composed of FAO staff members.
    41. Scholarship Committee - Financial Aid:  The Scholarship Committee reviews institutional scholarship applications and relevant student records to rate applicants for the purposes of awarding Chattanooga State Foundation scholarships. Members of this committee are volunteers recruited by the Financial Aid Office and are limited to a three-year term of service.
    42. Statewide Outstanding Achievement & Recognition (SOAR) Student of Excellence Awards Committee - Student Affairs:  This committee reviews nomination applications, conducts interviews, and selects the Chattanooga State Community College student representative for SOAR - Student of Excellence regional competition.Committee membership is determined as follows:Two faculty members are selected by the vice president of Academic Affairs, one staff member is selected by the coordinator of Career Services, and one support staff member is selected by the College president. Each member serves a one-semester term.
    43. Student Academic Appeals - Academic Affairs:  The Student Academic Appeals Committee will hear, review, evaluate, and judge individual student appeals of academic records, academic suspensions, admissions in response to disciplinary actions taken by other institutions, and/or final appeals of disciplinary action taken by the College.Membership includes a minimum of three faculty members from each division, the vice president of Student Affairs (or designated representative), one representative from the deans’ council, one representative from clerical support, one representative from student services, one representative from the Student Government Association, and chair elect.
    44. Student Government Association (SGA) - Student Affairs:  The SGA promotes and maintains active communication between the students, faculty and administration and provides a means for members of the student body to express themselves effectively in the development and maintenance of the College programs that affect their economical, intellectual, physical, social, and spiritual welfare.Membership and terms of membership are governed by the SGA Constitution.
    45. Student Success Communication Team (FoC) - College Wide:  The Student Success Communication Team (FoC) committee combined members serving on the Achieving the Dream (ATD) initiative with Title III Strengthening Institutions Program (SIP) members into one committee whose sole focus is on student success and graduation. This team is composed of 18 members representing a diverse segment of the College including faculty, staff and students, chaired by the vice president of College Advancement and Public Relations.
    46. Support Staff Association - Campus Wide:  The Support Staff Association (SSA) supports professional development, promotes collegial interaction, and provides a forum for the determination and expression of the consensus of its members in regards to issues of interest and/or concern to the support staff association. Membership includes all full-time and regular part-time College personnel who are in the support staff category. Officers and council members are elected and term of service runs from July 1 - June 30.SSA sub committees are the Election Committee, the Special Projects Committee, and the Excellence Awards Committee.
    47. TCAT Grade Appeal Committee - TCAT:  The TCAT Grade Appeal Committee hears appeals from TCAT students who wish to challenge a course grade.Members are appointed by the executive vice president of TCAT and consist of one faculty chairperson and two additional faculty members.
    48. TCAT Marketing Committee - TCAT:  The TCAT Marketing Committee develops marketing plans for low-enrollment programs, promote the TCAT in general, and plan open house events.Membership consists of one faculty chairperson (appointed by the executive vice president of TCAT) and additional faculty members and staff who are appointed by the executive vice president of TCAT or volunteer for the committee.
    49. Technology Advisory Committee - Information Services:  The Technology Advisory Committee (TAC) reviews and approves projects funded by Technology Access Fees (TAFs), based upon TBR established rules and guidelines. The committee formulates and updates technology plans for the College and recommends policy for technology usage and purchases at Chattanooga State. Members are representatives from across all divisions and academic departments throughout Chattanooga State.
    50. Tenure and Promotion - Academic Affairs:  The Tenure and Promotion Committee evaluates candidates’ effectiveness and potential as faculty members for consideration of tenure, evaluates faculty candidates for promotion, and makes recommendations to the Administration regarding changes in procedures and policies for the tenure and promotion process.Membership includes one tenured faculty member from each academic division who is not under consideration for promotion, and the chair elect who is appointed from among the faculty members on the committee.  


Submitted to Policy Review Committee on February 10, 2020

Submitted to Policy Review Board on March 6, 2020

Approved by Policy Review Board on April 8, 2020


See Previous Version(s):

Submitted to Policy Review Committee on September 16, 2019

Submitted to Policy Review Board on October 21, 2019

Approved by Policy Review Board on October 30, 2019


See Previous Version(s):

Source: Original Approved by Executive Staff and President’s Cabinet, 05/20/09