Apr 24, 2024  

General Information

11:08:00 Lost and Found Policy


  1. The responsibility of “Lost and Found” items and procedures lies with the Student ID Office. All lost or missing items should be reported immediately to the Student Life Office S-113. The name of the person missing the item will be registered in a central location with contact information of the owner and a description of the article.
  2. All items found on campus or on college sponsored activities will be immediately taken to the Student ID Office. If an item is turned in to another campus office or campus official, a call must be made immediately to the ID Office with the information of the item and arrangements must be made to deliver the found item to ID.
  3. When identifying information is available, the Student ID office will attempt to notify the owner. If an item is not claimed within 90 days, it can be claimed by the person who found it.
  4. 11:08:00 Lost and Found Policy Procedures  

Approved: Executive Staff, 05/20/09
Approved: President’s Cabinet, 05/20/09
Approved: President, 05/20/09
Reviewed and Revised by Student Affairs, 03/27/09

Locations updated and procedural document linked by Student Affairs, 04/22/2024